The Ultimate Webinar Planning Guide презентация

Why Webinars? According to CMI, webinars are the second most effective marketing tactics for B2B marketers. 2

Слайд 1The Ultimate Webinar Planning Guide

Слайд 2Why Webinars?
According to CMI, webinars are the second most effective marketing

tactics for B2B marketers.


Слайд 3The Problem
Yet, they are the one of the least used, ranked

12th out of 14 most-used tactics overall.

Слайд 4What Gives?
We avoid webinars because of the time, effort, and resources

they take to put together.

Слайд 5It Doesn’t Have to Be Hard
This guide is all you need

to be a webinar champ.

Слайд 6Here’s What We’ll Cover

Webinar timeline
Speaker tips
Presentation best practices
Benchmark data

Слайд 7Webinar Timeline

Слайд 8Timeline at a Glance

Слайд 9Plan: 6 Weeks Before the Webinar
Choose a topic
Choose your presenters
Choose a

Schedule a kick-off call
Select your support team to monitor attendee questions and technical issues

Слайд 10Plan: 4 Weeks Before the Webinar
Schedule your webinar and dry run

your registration page
Book a conference room
Schedule emails:
Invitation emails to targeted personas
Registration confirmation
2 Reminder emails (one week before, one hour before)
Thanks for attending (with recording link)
Sorry we missed you (with recording link)

Слайд 11Promote: 2 Weeks Before the Webinar
Send invitation emails to targeted personas

webinar via social media & blog
Promote via free webinar listing sites, including:

Слайд 12Promote: 1 Week Before the Webinar
Send reminder email
Continue to promote

via social media and blog
Send internal email to encourage promotion
Schedule a conference room

Слайд 13Execute: Day of Webinar
24 hours before the webinar:

Reminder email to registrants

registrants and encourage them to have a hard phone line, a hard internet line and to print out a copy of the presentation in case their internet goes down (that way, they can still promote

1 hour before the webinar:

Remind your registrants again
Set up webinar room: hook up computers, paste a “webinar in session” sign on the door, etc

Слайд 14Post-Webinar to-dos
Measure your webinar, focusing on metrics like:
Conversion rate
Attendance rate (33%

is industry norm)
Registration number
Write a follow-up blog post including answers to the most common questions that came up in the webinar
Use webinar recording for future blog post CTAs

Слайд 15Speaker Tips

Слайд 16Audio Best Practices

Dial in to the webinar 30 minutes prior to

webinar start time
Turn cell phones on silent
Keep cell phones (especially Blackberries) away from the call in line to prevent audible feedback
Join from a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed
Use phone controls to mute your line when not speaking to mitigate background noise

Слайд 17Web Best Practices
Be sure to have your laptop plugged into a

power source
Avoid wireless connections if possible
Print the deck in case web connection fails

Слайд 18Presentation Tips

Слайд 19Deck Design
Just because there are multiple speakers doesn’t mean there should

be multiple templates. Keep the design consistent throughout the deck.

Like any presentation, webinar decks should let the images tell the story. If you don’t give attendees something entertaining to look at, they’ll tune out.

Слайд 20Want More Great Guides? Click Here

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Email: Нажмите что бы посмотреть 

Что такое

Это сайт презентаций, докладов, проектов, шаблонов в формате PowerPoint. Мы помогаем школьникам, студентам, учителям, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться учебными материалами с другими пользователями.

Для правообладателей
