The Rise of the New Marketer:The Economist’s Findings on Key Trends презентация

Слайд 1The Rise of the New Marketer: The Economist’s Findings on Key Trends


GVP, Content Solutions
The Economist Group

Sanjay Dholakia

Слайд 2The not-so-distant future of marketing.

Слайд 3

Be bold.

Слайд 4

In the beginning, there was the marketing funnel…

Слайд 5…Now there’s the always-on consumer-led economy.

Слайд 6

29% say the need for change is urgent.
More than 80% of

marketing executives worldwide say they need to restructure marketing.

Слайд 7

Be bold.
Marketers point to five areas of dramatic change.

Слайд 8

Be bold.
Marketers point to six areas of dramatic change.
1. From

cost center
to source of revenue

Four out of five companies will classify marketing as a revenue driver in 3-5 years.

Слайд 9Marketing expenditures now total $1 trillion globally
*Source: McKinsey & Co.

Three out

of four CEOs agree: marketers “are always asking for more money, but can rarely explain how much incremental business
this money will generate.*”

Слайд 10

2. Lead the customer experience

75% of marketers say they will be

responsible for the customer experience in 3-5 years.

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3. A shift in customer engagement
78% relate engagement to sales
22% related

engagement to brand

Слайд 12

4. Marketers need to retool first
Top skills in

Digital engagement
Marketing operations & technology
Strategy and planning

Слайд 13

5. Digital and data dominate investment
75% of investments focused on reaching

customers through social, mobile and e-mail.
25% focused on analytics to knit together data from different channels.

Слайд 14

Remember to be human
And a sixth
Don’t forget to be human.
And I’ll

throw in a sixth

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