SXSW Interactive 2015Recap презентация

What we’ll cover today Overview Brands Meerkat Tech Meerkat Observations from MRY’s team Further reading / contact info

Слайд 1SXSW Interactive 2015 Recap
SXSW 2015:
Brands, Meerkat, Tech, Trends, and Meerkat David Berkowitz CMO, MRY @dberkowitz

/ @MRY

Слайд 2What we’ll cover today
Observations from MRY’s team
Further reading / contact info

Слайд 3Overview

Слайд 4Correlation implies causation

Слайд 5Meerkating Busta Rhymes with Gen Z is IN!
Source: Digiday (much longer

list there)

Слайд 6Not everyone’s there for marketing ideas and tech innovation
Source: Beats by

Dre on Twitter

Слайд 7Mazda, CBS, Capital One go for the tried and true value-add:

offering free rides

Source: SXSW. CBS, Capital One on Twitter

Слайд 8The real value of SXSW: “Collisions”
“This remains the best part of

SXSW. The collision of ideas and people make SXSW the closest thing to a “weekend of enlightenment” we have in this new digital age. People from all over the world, at all levels in their organizations, with all backgrounds, are getting together to share their perspectives, and are generally all accessible.”
- Ian Schafer, Deep Focus

Source: Ian Schafer on Medium

Слайд 9Brands

Слайд 10Brands come out of hibernation for SXSW
Source: Business Insider
not meerkats

Слайд 11SXSW: where transmedia meets trans fats
“We are not where we need

to be when it comes to being seen as a digitally innovative company. Everyone expects two guys in a garage to come up with ideas. We want to be part of that flow of ideas,” McDonald’s senior vice president of digital, Atif Rafiq said.

Source: TechCrunch

Слайд 12Simpsons Kiwk-E-Mart truck serves 2.6 Squishees per minute (>3,000 total)
Source: Eater

Слайд 13When in doubt, offer free donuts
Source: Esurance on Twitter

Слайд 14Taco Bill launches a pop-up shop made of shipping containers
Source: Fast


Слайд 15Provide value: AT&T doubles cell capacity with ‘giant eyeball’
Source: Fast Company

Слайд 16Mophie rescues the powerless with Saint Bernards bearing batteries
Source: Mashable /

Chris Taylor

Слайд 17Pedicabs are coming
Source: Business Insider

Слайд 18Visa bolsters commitment to Austin at its Everywhere Lounge
“There’s something that’s

in the well water of Austin that makes it a very kinetic environment, physically and culturally.” -Visa Chief Brand and Innovation Marketing Officer Chris Curtin in Forbes

Source: Forbes

Слайд 19Tinder bot preying on Austin dating scene actually a bot promoting

movie “Ex Machina”

Source: VentureBeat

Слайд 203M gives SXSW’ers hands-on experience designing bags, sterilizing phones, and posting


Source: 3M / Engadget / Jenny Stoltenow al on Twitter

Слайд 21What is GE smoking? With a 12-foot-tall smoker, it optimized ‘cue

and got brainwave scans of eaters

Source: Business Insider (left) / CraveOnline (right)

Слайд 22NASA’s SXSW universe included 11 sessions, a meetup, an IMAX screening,

and an exhibit

Source: NASA / Chris Gunn

Слайд 23Global showcase had Brazil doubling presence to 59 companies exhibiting, hosted

Casa Brasil venue

Source: Variety / Gretel Perera on Twitter

Слайд 24Agencies (ahem) are among brands taking over SXSW
“SXSW… is about marketers

marketing their marketing efforts to other marketers… And of course, agencies have their own branding to do. Take, for example, the agency MRY’s house in downtown Austin, where rapper Nas appeared Saturday night.” -The Wall Street Journal: “Brands, Web Video Creators Take over SXSW”

Source: The Wall Street Journal

Слайд 25Hootsuite combines two essential needs of SXSW: beer and transportation
Source: Hootsuite

on Twitter

Слайд 26Broken Windex theory: brand touts “break the internet” meme but won’t

allow use of word “gluteus”

Source: @dberkowitz

Слайд 28Meerkat is everywhere – including MRY Manor (it didn’t launch at SXSW

but did capture all the buzz)

Source: TechCrunch/ Anthony Quintano

Слайд 29Long-term success for Meerkat questionable, but it’s a feat that a

tiny, new startup dominated SXSW

“I don’t really care about being a hit at South by Southwest. What was important for us coming here was to acknowledge the fact that we came from nothing just two weeks ago.” -Meerkat founder Ben Rubin in The New York Times

Source: New York Times / Ben Rubin

Слайд 30Beacons, often invisible, power SXSW meetups
Source: Ad Age

Слайд 31Mobile shifts to integration focus
“Mobile marketing professionals on a panel discussing

meaningful mobile experiences pleaded to remove ‘mobile’ from their titles, saying it’s about integrated marketing, of which mobile is a critical piece. Mobile can’t be thought of separately anymore, and brands must bring mobile, digital, traditional branding teams together to solve problems.”
- Wunderman’s Alyse Craun, “Know for Sure”

Source: Alyse Craun, Wunderman

Слайд 32Messaging app YikYak downplays cyberbullying usage; founder notes “Kids are kind

of stupid”

Source: TechCrunch

Слайд founder Aaron Patzer showed off his new company, Fountain, sourcing

experts for a small fee

Source: Fountain

Слайд 34Transhumanist Martine Rothblatt envisions future of human immortality thanks to “mind


“Transhumanism is a movement with the eventual goal extending human life past natural death through the use of technology. In Rothblatt’s case, her belief that we are close to cyber consciousness is represented by ’BINA48,’ the robot, cyber conscious version of her real-life wife, Bina Rothblatt. BINA48, is the first step in creating an artificial intelligent ’mind clone,’ expressing a real person’s mannerisms, personality, recollections, feelings, beliefs, attitudes and values. Rothblatt believes that BINA48 will likely reach full cyber consciousness in the future.” –

Source: / LifeNaut on YouTube

Слайд 35Biggest protests at SXSW? Boycotting robots
“What did they have against robots

you might ask? Well, they are (apparently, seriously) concerned that robots could one day surpass human intelligence and they were genuinely anxious about this.” - TechCrunch

Source: TechCrunch

Слайд 36VR is bigger than Oculus: Google Cardboard + Beyond Sports features

soccer match simulations

Source: USA Today

Слайд 37Did we mention Meerkat yet? Just in case… Meerkat!
Source: Meerkat

Слайд 38Does it count as a wearable if you’re terrified to wear


Source: USA Today

Слайд 39‘Launching Next Week’ is the new ‘Launching at SXSW’
“Better to wait,

according to Chris Heuer, CEO of Alynd, who believes ‘launching after SXSW is the new launching at SXSW.’ Why compete with the social crowds when you can use the week of SXSW to build buzz and then follow up after with a full fledged launch designed to work for your audience? He believes in the benefits of this cadence so strongly that he’s created a platform to support it: A simple mailing list that will keep all early adopters in the loop about what’s, well, launching next week.” - Sprinklr

Source: Sprinklr

Слайд 40SXSW institutes “drone-free zone”
Fly a drone, risk arrest: “SXSW has a

strict no drones policy due to the safety risks drones present to the public, and pursuant to City of Austin Ordinance, Chapter 13-1. ”

Source: SXSW

Слайд 41Startup pitch contests trot out wearables
“There were around 80 Shark Tank-styled

startup contests this year, and they produced a long parade of wearables pitches.” -Adweek

Source: Adweek

Слайд 42Wearables to merge with fashion
“The next hot wearable might be the

one no one knows you’re wearing. Experts predict a wave of smart fabrics and e-textiles that do what FitBits and Apple Watches now...
“…I see technology and fashion becoming one,’ says Billie Whitehouse, co-founder of Wearable Experiments, a company integrating fashion and technology. ‘We're heading in the direction where everything becomes invisible.’” - Entrepreneur

Source: Entrepreneur

Слайд 43“The Internet of Things Is Becoming an Actual Thing” - Adweek


Слайд 44The happiness scorecard for SXSW Music vs Interactive

Слайд 45Observations collected from the MRY team attending SXSW

Слайд 46Kate Bryan, Marketing
People were really into staying healthy. There were a

lot of brands on the ground that were sponsoring workout classes or promoting health and wellness in some way – Reebok, Equinox, etc. I heard a lot of people taking it easier on the eating/drinking to make it to a class the next day.

Source: Adrian Grenier on Twitter

Слайд 47Michelle Excell, Project Management (MRY West)
Wanelo founder Deena Varshavskaya [pictured at

right] revealed she never finished college, but then went on to say she wished she’d left much earlier. When questioned about this, she explained that she thought there were two types of people, those who strove to make others happy – teachers, bosses – and those who strove to make themselves happy. She exclusively hires the latter.”

Source: LinkedIn

Слайд 48Karen Flanagan, Client Service
I kept noticing Millennials’ and technology's impact on

literally everything – the music we listen to, how we listen to it or find out about it, human interactions, live events of every sort, and the reality that it's the experience and sharing of said experience that matters most. It’s living for the share. As [MRY CEO] Matt Britton says, DIFTI – “Did It For The Instagram.” Absolutely perfect.

Source: Youthnation on Facebook

Слайд 49Carrie Cervati, Talent Acquisition
It was interesting to hear at a panel

I attended that freelancing is going to take over the creative world. Creatives are going to rely less on full-time jobs and more on freelance, based on the fact that they can make a lot more money , build their portfolios with different brands and have the opportunity to work on a multitude of clients and not get bored on one specific brand for an extended period of time.

Source: TechZulu on Twitter

Слайд 50Andrew Udin, Legal
This year, more so than others, saw a melding

of all three components of SXSW (music, film, and interactive) during the SXSWi portion.  There were large music acts and high(ish) profile films being featured, all before the music and film portions of the festival even started.

Source: MRY on Twitter, featuring Busta Rhymes

Слайд 51Nick Gauchat, Product
The ability to develop apps and other technologies quickly

has changed the perception of prototyping and creative technology labs.  Developers and marketers are interested in building things and getting them into market right away rather than creating a proof of concept.  There is less of a gap between proving something can be done and actually doing it and that has now become the standard.

Source: Jive Software on Twitter, featuring Cosmopolitan Style Lab

Слайд 52Eli Pakier, Strategy
Given the expanse of the web, there is literally

an answer for everything, but there is a problem: we don’t always know the right question to ask. Search is great when we have an answer in mind. But what about when you don’t know what you’re looking for? How can we better anticipate what we don’t even know to ask for?

Source: Sarah M. Vasquez on Twitter, featuring El Arroyo

Слайд 53Steven Cuartas Cano, Client Service
With new wearable technology and apps coming

out, we’re actually able to add more details to the stories behind the photos we capture. For instance, you go on a hike while wearing a Suntoo Watch to capture how many steps you took on the way to that photo you took at the top of the mountain. Using the Suunto Movie, they create a 3D Mapped video of your hike using the photos you took on the trail. Combined with the Narrative Clip, you can capture moments leading up the hike without even having to think to take the photo. 

Слайд 54Wrapping up

Слайд 55SXSW coverage highlights
Ad Age / Unmetric: Watch Top Brands and Agencies

Live-Tweet #SXSW
Adweek: 10 Intriguing Things That Helped SXSW Rock Again
AP: Trending at SXSW: Mind Cloning, Off-the-Grid Messaging
Business Insider: The Best Things Tech Companies Did to Get Attention at the World’s Wildest Tech Conference, SXSW
Digiday: What’s in and Whats’ out for SXSW
Fortune: What You Missed at SXSW This Year
Sprinklr: The 6 Hottest Trends and Insights from SXSWi 2015
SXSW: Interactive Innovation Award winners
TechCrunch: At SXSW, Meerkat Beats McDonald’s at Cutting through the Noise
USA Today: Coolest Tech at SXSW (gallery)

Слайд 56So long, and thanks for all the meerkat
David Berkowitz, CMO, MRY

/ @MRY
Meerkat: Meerkatmry / Meerkatdberkowitz

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