Sergiy Dmutrovuch Prutula презентация

Слайд 1Sergiy Dmutrovuch Prutula

Слайд 2Zbarazh

Слайд 5Comedy Club UA

Слайд 6Oleksandr Pedan
Olga Freimut

Слайд 8In June 2012, with Alexander Pedany, Olga Freimuth, and the project

" КабриоЛето " traveled across the expanses of Ukraine

Слайд 9In february 2013 "Pedan Prytula show" appeared on television in which

he took part with his friend Alexander Pedan

Слайд 10
Works as a TV presenter of the TV show  “Khto zverchu?"

He  is also a presenter of TV show ”Strasti za revizorom”

Слайд 11Since August 2015 he is host of the show «Суперінтуїция»
At the

same time with the work at the Novy Cannel he was doing several radio projects. Now there is no time for radio, but he have been actively engaged in the development of the first Ukrainian-humor show «Вар’яти»

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