Sales and Retail Marketing презентация

Class Plan Introduction Overview Class Norms Course Project

Слайд 1Sales and Retail Marketing
Lecture 1-introduction to course and content
Ms. Maria Qadri

Слайд 2Class Plan
Class Norms
Course Project

Слайд 3Introduction –Course participants
Facilitator- “I have no formal anything. I’m completely unqualified

for any job I’ve ever had.”- Rachael Ray
What brings you here?
Where is all this leading you?

Слайд 4Marketing is a scientific art..

Theories and concepts
Applications, Strategies, and selected cases

and presentations

Слайд 5Introduction – Course Audience
The course is designed specifically for management employees

in entry level positions who seek advancement of their careers.
Students planning their own ventures can also benefit from the course
students looking for a career in retailing and sales force are also an audience for the course

Слайд 7Concept- Retailing and Sales

Слайд 8Retail- Defined
“Retail refers to the last link in a value chain

where the customer is provided with an access to product in small units for personal or household consumption”
Retailing is a service
Retail and Sales are both interlinked

Слайд 9Retail Management because…

Слайд 10History and growth of Retail and sales
Barters and Markets
Towns and

Malls and shopping as a leisure activity
Retail therapy
Direct marketing and Sales

Слайд 11The Service Sector and Marketing
Evolution of selling
The servicescape
Growing global


Слайд 12New face of retail management
Sophisticated customer
Extensive database management
Growing competition
Hyperstar to

specialized boutiques
Retail brands
Online retailing
VAT collection point

Слайд 13Where Does Sales fit in?

Direct customer contact
Needs Strategies and careful

implementation of these strategies for high impact

Слайд 15Before we take the flight… Backdrop
Concept of need, want and demands

Marketing Mix
Customer involvement and buying behaviors
POS Marketing
The Maker and the Seller – possible conflicts?

Слайд 16Course project

Слайд 17Till we meet again InshaAllah!!

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