Right Team Holdings. New products list презентация

Слайд 1Right Team Holdings
Website: www.rightteam.cn
Tel:+86 15032857123

Слайд 2

Слайд 3Square glass bottle is more and more popular now,especially in USA


Слайд 4We could paint any color your
requested.Just send us the Pantone

of the color you want,we will supply
the perfect bottle to you!

Слайд 5The new design-rectangle glass bottle
rectangle design bottles

Слайд 6The new design-skull glass bottle
skull bottles with childproof and tamper ring


Слайд 7The new design-glass unicorn bottle
glass unicorn bottles with childproof cap

Слайд 8The new design-French square glass bottle
French square bottles with childproof and

tamper ring cap

Слайд 9The new design--ilk glass bottle-20mm bottle neck
30ml milk glass bottle with

20mm neck-easy for filling the liquid
special bottle shape

Слайд 10The newest design-30ml PE plastic bottle
special cap and tips

Слайд 11New plastic bottle
Are they like glass bottle?Hahaha they are plastic bottle

Слайд 12PET bottle+ Twist cap+childproof cap

Слайд 13Aluminum Bottle

Слайд 14Additional Service --lables,screen printing,tubes,boxes shrink wrap,display etc

Слайд 15Vape Bands

Слайд 16Paper box

Слайд 17Tube
Paper tube
PS tube

Слайд 18Wooden packing
Wooden tube
Bamboo box

Слайд 19Gift box
Cardbord box

Слайд 20Any requirement are welcome, pls feel freely to contact with us!
Contact information:

Phone +86 15032857123

If you have any complaint, please feel free to contact our Sales Director
Mobile:+86 17703319995

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