Ресторан "Черное и белое" презентация

Russian cuisine was always open for overseas contributions that did not spoilt. If at all, but it improved auer cuisine a lot.

Слайд 1I would like to own a café with «traditional Russian» cuisine

very much

Слайд 2Russian cuisine was always open for overseas contributions that did not

spoilt. If at all, but it improved auer cuisine a lot.

Слайд 3Dishes of Russian cuisine do not require special knowledge and exotic

ingredients, but to make really tasty food, the wide experience is required.

Слайд 4In 16-18 centuries Russian cuisine absorbed in itself at the best

that existed in cuisine of the European countries :

Слайд 5Banquet hall
My Russian restaurant “black and white”.

Слайд 8 Appearance of the restaurant
the restaurant is open from 12:00 am

to 2:00 a.m.

Слайд 9Menu restaurant “black and white”

Слайд 12The restaurant staff

Слайд 13The logo of the restaurant

Слайд 14The end

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