iPhone Apple презентация

iPhone iPhone has the most advanced operating system in the world. At the same time bright display and millions of opportunities for entertainment, long-term operation without a large battery. The smartphone

Слайд 1Apple Inc.

Слайд 2iPhone
iPhone has the most advanced operating system in the world. At

the same time bright display and millions of opportunities for entertainment, long-term operation without a large battery. The smartphone works in ultra-fast wireless networks, has the most popular camera in the world. Every detail is thought out. I would like to tell you about my choice of iPhone.

Слайд 3Road Map
Some Interesting Facts About Apple
Company Profile
Mission & Vision

Слайд 4

The idea for Apple Computers was

Слайд 5And the Innovations continue…

Слайд 6Some Interesting Facts About Apple

Слайд 7Steve Wozniak
Steve Jobs
Apple was started by

Слайд 8For the three months from 1 October to 31 December 2017

year, Apple sold I Phones at 28 million U.S. dollars.

304 350 dollar per day

Слайд 9Even bigger than the GDP of
100 other countries

Слайд 10Apple Inc.
Company Profile
Vision & Mission

Слайд 11Mission Statement
"Apple is committed to bringing the best personal computing experience

to students, educators, creative professionals and consumers around the world through its innovative hardware, software and Internet offerings." 

Слайд 12Stay first in the world..
Thank you for your attention!

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