How to Integrate PR Into SEO Strategy презентация

About Us The Cline Group Global, strategic marketing and PR firm Offices in New York, Philadelphia, Tel Aviv, and Naples Senior Director of Digital Marketing Samuel Scott Former journalist

Слайд 1How to Integrate PR Into SEO Strategy
By Samuel Scott Senior Director of

Digital Marketing, The Cline Group

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Слайд 2About Us
The Cline Group
Global, strategic marketing and PR firm
Offices in New

York, Philadelphia, Tel Aviv, and Naples

Senior Director of Digital Marketing Samuel Scott
Former journalist turned Internet marketer
Certifications from Google, Hubspot, and Hootsuite
B.S. in journalism from Boston University with International M.B.A. studies at Bar-Ilan University in Israel
Based in Tel Aviv

Слайд 3What is PR?
It’s a lot more than being a spokesperson

Слайд 4What is PR?

Слайд 5What is PR?
The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA)’s official definition:

relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.”

Слайд 6What is PR?

Слайд 7PR Channels

Слайд 8Why is PR Important?
Inbound vs. Outbound Marketing:
Outbound (like PR) creates new

Inbound fulfills existing demand

Слайд 9Why is PR Important?
The best “off-page SEO” methods have always just

been PR by other names
“Guest posts” are just by-lined articles
“Content plus outreach” predates the Web
Asking anyone for links is just PR

Слайд 10Why is PR Important?
“If I had to choose between your average

link builder and an expert PR professional who knew how to approach and interact with media outlets and presented well on camera, I’d go for the public relations person any day of the week.”
—Everett Sizemore, seOverflow

Слайд 11The Results

Слайд 12The Results
Coverage included:

Слайд 13The Results
Open Site Explorer:
591 links
253 domains
462 tweets

1033 Google +1’s
344 Facebook

1253 Facebook shares

Слайд 14

The best links come as natural results of just doing good

PR & marketing!

Слайд 15The Marcom Process

Слайд 16The PR Process
Goal Identification
Target Market Identification
Messaging and Positioning
Media List Creation
Press Release

Development & Pitching
Packaging and Follow-Up

Слайд 17Goal Identification
Gain VC funding or to exit by selling
Maximize downloads of

our mobile application
Gain more users of our B2B software
Build our brand through authoritative content

PR is a means to the end of getting coverage that supports a company’s overall goals.

Слайд 18Target Market Identification
Research and compile a list of the general targeted

audiences based on the goals

Слайд 19Messaging and Positioning
How will you brand yourself?

Messaging: How will you use

text and more to
communicate the positioning?

Слайд 20Media List Creation
Compile a list of outlets read by the target

audiences + relevant writers
An ideal media list contains:
Publications read by the target audience
The specific writers who’d be most interested
Large social-media followings
Online sites with high Domain Authority

Слайд 21Press Release Creation

Слайд 22Integrating PR and SEO
PR is people and SEO is things and

Need a decision-maker
The following process occurs concurrently

Слайд 23Goals and KPIs
B2C sales? B2B leads? App installations? Brand awareness? Something


Слайд 24Audience Research (SEO)

Create a persona (
Use random affinities (

Слайд 25Audience Research (PR)

Existing company information & CRM data
Customer surveys
Audience data from

firms such as ESRI (

Слайд 26Audience Research
Use all of the research and information to create an

overall persona of the target audience!

Слайд 27Messaging & Positioning
Fill out these blanks:

Слайд 28Keyword Research (SEO)

Слайд 29The Importance of Co-Occurrence
Get reporters and writers to describe you with

the keyword-influenced terms you want!

Слайд 30Overall Positioning
XXXXXXXXX is a performance advertising platform, focused exclusively on mobile.

XXXXXXX’s targeting technology makes use of all available data to guarantee advertiser’s ROI.

Слайд 31Supporting Messages
XXXXXXX generates revenue for advertisers based on a cost-per-action (CPA)

business model, rather than cost per impression (CPM) or a cost per click (CPC) offered by other mobile advertising providers, XXXXXXXXX reaches more than 190 countries, generating over 2 billion impressions per month.

XXXXXXXX has five operational sites around the world, with a focus on the most dominant and emerging markets in the US and Asia Pacific regions.

XXXXXXXXX is backed by strategic investors in the mobile space including XXXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX and XXXX, providing the company with access to the highly lucrative Asian mobile market.

Слайд 32Competitive Advantages
XXXXXXX is the dominant mobile performance advertising player in Asia,

the fastest growing and the leading region of the world concerning mobile advertising revenue and investment, with 49.2% of total mobile ad revenue in 2011 alone:
XXXXXXXX has little direct competition for its mobile real-time targeting solution
Ad networks do not performance CPA marketing, advertiser authentication, or effective targeting solutions.
User targeting technologies are currently focused primarily on the online segment with the world’s largest brands struggling to apply those same rules for mobile. XXXXXXX’s technology allows brands to take advantage of the mobile’s unique traits (on-the-go, location, click-to-call, always on etc.)

Слайд 33Boilerplate
With five operational sites across the globe, XXXXXXXXX is a leading

performance mobile advertising platform which uses real-time, propriety targeting technology, to guarantee advertiser ROI.

XXXXXXXXX helps advertisers monetize their advertising budgets, through acquiring customers and gaining valuable insight into usage patterns.

Backed by some of the most respected investors in the mobile industry including XXXXXX, XXXXXXX, XXXXXX and XXXXX, XXXXXXXX works with Fortune 500 companies to plan, design, execute and optimize their mobile ad campaigns, guaranteeing they achieve their ROI goals.

Слайд 34Other Messaging Documents
Elevator pitch
Customer pains and your solutions
Top five points (for

Executive bios, FAQ documents, etc.
Blurbs for social-media profiles
Website meta titles and meta descriptions
Website text

Слайд 35Channel Research (SEO)
Research Tools: Google Analytics, Open Site Explorer, ahrefs

URL checker: SEO Weather

Слайд 36Channel Research (PR)
Major PR Software Programs: Cision, Vocus, and Meltwater

Слайд 37Channel Research (PR)

Слайд 38Channel Research (PR)

Слайд 39Channel Research (PR)

Слайд 40Channel Research (PR)

Слайд 41Channel Research (PR)

Слайд 42Channel Research (PR)

Слайд 43Channel Research
Create together a final list of publications and websites to

Relevancy is MORE important than Domain Authority!

Слайд 44Content Creation

Слайд 45Execution & Adjustment
Both SEO and PR can use data!

Слайд 46What PR Can Learn From SEO
Which traffic from what outlets tends

to convert the most and bounce the least?
Are branded searches increasing following the PR work?
When links from outlets are broken or have disappeared

Слайд 47What SEO Can Learn From PR
From what outlets (and type of

outlets) is it easiest to get coverage and links?
The best practices for personal outreach and communication (for social media and more)
How reporters and others are responding to the company’s online presence

Слайд 48The Point to Remember
Don’t think about how to get links. Think

about how to get coverage and publicity! The links will then come naturally as a result. You are not building anything artificially, so you will never have to worry about Google penalties.

Слайд 49Thank You!
Design: @tomckerr

Слайд 50 Email:
Twitter: @samueljscott

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