Growth Hacking презентация

Слайд 1Growth Hacking
100% tested by @Lennarz

Слайд 2What is a Growth Hacker?
What my parents think I do
What my

friends think I do

What my clients think I do

What society thinks I do

What I think I do

What I actually do

Слайд 3First “official” Growth Hack...1996

Слайд 42 dimensions of Growth Hacking
Growth Hacks
Ideas how to gather & hold


Build a Growth Hacking environment
Agile Organization
data driven
no limits

Growth Hacker

Growth Manager

Слайд 5I spend my time with...
Agile Product teams
Build innovation offside first
Find Product-Market

Valid data for valid decisions
Feature Marketing
Build the best team

Слайд 6Be Agile

Слайд 7Adapt Product-Market Fit
Listen to customer touch-points & competition
Build, adapt, adapt, adapt

Never compete with FREE….

Слайд 8Build innovation submarines
No dependencies
No questions
No hassle

Слайд 9Are your Analytics data valid?
Colors don´t matter...
AB-Test only what really has

“Easiness/time saving“ vs. „pricing”
Customer Funnel data! #hardwork
Big Data, Data Warehouse - WTF!

Valid data for valid decisions

Слайд 10Product Marketing is hard work!
Be feature-addicted…
Be authentic – let your developers

Internal / External discipline
Find the right speech/language
Be you!
The product is the best ad-channel!

Слайд 11User Onboarding: Love at first sight
Define Goals: Paid/Registered vs. Active users

warm welcome + friendly reminders…
Easiness is the key…
Trigger Mails & Incentivation rock…
New vs. Existing users
Burned email lists ;-(
FAQ rocks, also for SEO
Spread Product/Tech-Knowledge internally

Слайд 12Tech-savy marketer unicorns
Recruit small enterpreneurs

Слайд 13You´re the Coach...

Слайд 14Never get tired….
nicht müde werden

Слайд 15Use engineers, only if necessary
Use standard tools
Don´t reinvent the wheel

Слайд 16Internal search

Слайд 17Use Customer Reviews

Слайд 18Use numbers of users...

Слайд 19Send “private” mails
“Sent from my iPhone”

Слайд 20Focus on Screens, Not Devices

Слайд 21Focus on user-data

Слайд 22Visualize your funnel

Слайд 23Clean up your email list

Слайд 24Use Q&A sites for getting traffic

Слайд 25No Google stars, yet?

Слайд 26Artificial Shortage

Слайд 27Make the best welcome mail

Слайд 28Start the AB-testing engine

Слайд 29Be social - start sharing...
Be part of the community!

Слайд 30Incentivate your users
Free Months are not expensive!
Progress bars

Слайд 31Trigger Notifications
Find emotional moments (good/bad)

Слайд 32Create a free offer
or free ebooks

Слайд 33“Powered by link”

Слайд 34Tell a friend

Слайд 35Find your Aha-moment?
Twitter: 30 Follower...

Слайд 36Is your product really easy?
Yes? Then no tutorials are necessary!

Слайд 37Use Live Chat Tools

Слайд 38Exit Intend Popups

Слайд 39Integrate in other products

Слайд 40People love customizing

Слайд 41Use your standard-mails...
All online-shops send it

Слайд 42Start affiliate programs
Zanox,, ...

Слайд 43Use new marketing tools
Twitter Ads
Offline Sponsorships (Backlinks…;-))

Слайд 44Money comes after Product Usage

Слайд 45Start your own project
Learning by doing

Слайд 46Use Coupons
But thrifty!

Слайд 47Build personas

Слайд 48“Life is like riding a bicycle, to stay balanced you must

keep moving.” - Albert Einstein

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Что такое

Это сайт презентаций, докладов, проектов, шаблонов в формате PowerPoint. Мы помогаем школьникам, студентам, учителям, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться учебными материалами с другими пользователями.

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