From Flickr to Snapchat: The challenge of analysing images on social media презентация

Images posses the ability to grab our attention

Слайд 1From Flickr to Snapchat: The challenge of analysing images on social


Farida Vis, Information School
University of Sheffield

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Images posses the ability to grab our attention

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Social media companies know this

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Images are key to engagement

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Camera: used to be for special occasions
Smartphone: always with us

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Everyday snaps
Witnessing events

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US 65% smartphone penetration
Smartphones overtaken desktop usage to access the internet

internet accounts for majority of internet use in US (57%)
Users typically access the internet via apps on mobile devices

All figures from comScore, US Digital Future in Focus, 2014

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UK: The over-55s will experience the fastest year-on-year rises in smartphone


Smartphone ownership should increase to about 50% by year-end, a 25% increase from 2013, but trailing 70% penetration among 18-54s.

The difference in smartphone penetration by age will disappear, but differences in usage of smartphones remain substantial. Many over 55s use smartphones like feature phones.

All figures from Deloitte, predictions for 2014

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Rise of platforms and apps focused on visual content


‘Mobile first’ –>

‘… and only’ | simple easy, user friendly design

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Facebook daily image uploads: 350 million (November 2013)

Instagram daily image uploads:

60 million (March 2014)

Twitter: 500 million tweets daily (March 2014)

Snapchat daily snaps: 400 million (November 2013)

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Images largely ignored in
social media research

Not easy to ‘mine’

Hard to

figure out meaning

Huge interest in industry

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Images in crisis communication

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Social Reading the Riots, 2011
Social Users debunking rumours

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Image sharing during the 2011 UK riots

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‘Although the Twitter user chose the viewing position and shared the

image through Yfrog the original image data was created by one of Google’s ‘numerous data collection vehicles’ using their R5 ‘panoramic camera system’’ (Anguelov et al., 2010, pp. 32-33).

Слайд 28The burning bus: 57 unique URLs

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Hurricane Sandy

Image sharing practices during crises: fakes

Слайд 34 #FakeSandy pics 250,000 tweets (4hrs) 1 weekend ‘fakes’ What is shared by

locals vs wider social media audiences/users? Where in the ‘long tail’ might we find useful information? Most visible ≠ most valuable

Слайд 35Hurricane Sandy images

Fake as in Photoshopped
Fake as in still from Hollywood

disaster movie
Fake as in not what we think we’re looking at
Perceived fake, but in fact real

Intensions of users? What do we think they are doing?

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"Picturing the Social: transforming our understanding of images in social media

and Big Data research.”

ESRC Transformative Research grant

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Farida Vis (PI) – Media and Communication
Simon Faulkner – Art History/Visual

James Aulich - Art History/Visual Culture
Olga Gorgiunova – Software Studies/Sociology
Mike Thelwall – Information Science/software
Francesco D’Orazio – Industry/Media/software
+ Research Associate – Digital Ethnography

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“Qualitative data on a quantitative scale”
(D’Orazio, 2013)

Слайд 39Traditional broadcasting model

Production of message

Message = text

Reception of the message

Слайд 40Building new theory and method




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How do social media companies make images visible?

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Address the quantitative magnitude and the qualitative intensity of social media

image production and circulation

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Screen Shot 2014-07-09 at 06.05.51

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Doing interdisciplinarity

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Images shared on Twitter (natively uploaded) around the death and funeral

of Margaret Thatcher

150,000 tweets
17,000 different images

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Seeing like software/like a human

How are images sorted and organised?

How do

we select what to look at?

How do these images circulate/
Where have they come from?

How do we (re)present them?

Слайд 54Direct Visualisation/Lev Manovich

Слайд 55Aby Warburg’s mnemosyne

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