Digital Virgo презентация

Слайд 1DVAR products presentation

Слайд 2Megacine
Megacine is an exclusive portal of Online Movies, with more than

200 titles of the best classics of world cinema. With excellent picture and sound quality, can be accessed with a single weekly subscription through your phone line without credit card or registering anywhere.

It does not take place on the device
It supports multiple platforms
instant Access
For all ages

The extensive catalog is an agreement with multiple providers movies of the highest quality worldwide.

The films are in Latin, the most suitable for the Argentine public audio.

Celuplay is a full store –multiproduct with unlimited access to the

best content:

Access to social networks
Download emoticons
Creative backgrounds for chats
Amazing Videos
Android games

It can be accessed with a single weekly subscription through the phone line without credit card or registering anywhere.
It does not take place on the device
It supports multiple platforms
Instant Access

Слайд 4ClicNScores is an exclusive portal with real-time results of matches of

Argentine and international soccer, to find out instantly what happens in football, from your phone, wherever you are.

Main parties of First Division (Argentina)
Copa Libertadores (Latin), Copa Argentina
Copa Sudamericana
Copa America (International)
Spain League
Italy League
England League
Champions League.

It does not take place on the device:

Without limits results are limitless views.
· Supports multiple platforms:
IOS, Android & Windows Mobile


TOTAL MUSIC is an exclusive portal with the best

ringtones for your cell phone.

Total Music is a portal of unlimited ringtones weekly subscription, which provides the ability to access the most listened to Argentina ringtones.

Android OS : From version 2.1 onwards.
IOs : From version 6 onwards
Windows Mobile Version 8 and up.

It can be accessed with a single weekly subscription through the phone line without credit card or registering anywhere.

It does not take place on the device
It supports multiple platforms
Instant Access

Слайд 624hs Videos
24 Hs Videos is an exclusive Videos Online portal with

video channels to get the best TV on your phone, tablet or PC.

With excellent picture and sound quality, which can be accessed with a sinmple weekly subscription through your phone line, and no credit card need.

24hsVideos have the right content for all audiences, included in the following categories: Sport, Sexy, Music and Entertainment.

Most viewed by our ussers are:
Sports TV, Novelas TV, Todo Latino, Mundo Mujeres, Adrenaline and Music Sound among many others.

Tus Astros is a portal with astrology content by the

famous astrologer Joe Fernandez.

It is a customized product according to the date of birth of the user who completed the log in and will be taken as reference for each horoscope section.

Content updated daily.
Every day, the user will find new predictions in the portal.
Exclusive videos about zodiac signs predictions and couples compatibilities, Famous zodiac profiles, etc..

It can be accessed with a single weekly subscription through the phone line without credit card or registering anywhere.

It does not take place on the device
It supports multiple platforms
Instant Access

Слайд 8Playweez
Playweez is an online portal where users access to over 400

games HTML5 and through a single weekly subscription.

The extensive catalog is the product of an agreement with multiple HTML5 games providers of the highest quality worldwide.

The games are updated regularly, in the portal there is a rotation based on the most played and randomly for users to find different games each time they acces to the portal.

It does not take place on the device
It supports multiple platforms
instant Access
For all ages

Dulzonas is a sexy store portal where the user can find

the best Argentinian models, can access to the streaming tv channels and sexy videos.

It can be accessed with a single weekly subscription through the phone line without credit card or registering anywhere.

It does not take place on the device
It supports multiple platforms
Instant Access

Слайд 10SEX-ART
Dulzonas is a sexy portal where the user can find the

best sexy models, with their images and videos.

Each model has her exclusive catalog, with a perfectly filmed photo shots and videos.

It can be accessed with a single weekly subscription through the phone line without credit card or registering anywhere.

It does not take place on the device
It supports multiple platforms
Instant Access

Strippers is a sexy portal where the user can find the

best sexy strippers models.

Each stripper model has her exclusive catalog, with a perfectly filmed photo shots and videos.

It can be accessed with a single weekly subscription through the phone line without credit card or registering anywhere.

It does not take place on the device
It supports multiple platforms
Instant Access


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Email: Нажмите что бы посмотреть 

Что такое

Это сайт презентаций, докладов, проектов, шаблонов в формате PowerPoint. Мы помогаем школьникам, студентам, учителям, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться учебными материалами с другими пользователями.

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