Content Strategy & Social Media: A Symbiotic Relationship презентация

What do you think about social media?

Слайд 1Content Strategy & Social Media: A Symbiotic Relationship
Content Creation: The Power

of Storytelling UW Certificate in Storytelling and Content Strategy Feb. 24, 2014
Suna Gurol

Слайд 2What do you think about social media?

Слайд 3Social Media is #1
Most popular content channel tactic for brands

Слайд 4#1 and rising

Слайд 5Social Media - in a nutshell
Mouthpiece, but not a monologue
In the

best world there is a relationship, community and dialogue
Speed! Real-time!
Disappearing content!
Real measurement

Слайд 6Symbiotic relationship

Without great content social media has no purpose

Without social media

your content will be limited in its reach

Слайд 7Partnering with social media strategist

Слайд 8What to do for success
Define Goals
Identify Audience
Establish Baseline
Short and Visual content

measure, rinse and repeat

Слайд 9Goals
Identify what the goals are --
To get people to the website?

To donate?
To register?
More likes/follows?
Brand awareness?
Needs to support the business but also connect with the audience.
And make sure everyone - from C-suite to Marketing Assistant - is in agreement about the goals!

Слайд 10Audience
Who are you trying to reach?
Is it a new or existing

If existing audience, what do you know about them?
Facebook insights
Web searches
Audience surveys, usability studies, donor/custom profiles, etc.
How do you connect with them?

Слайд 11Baseline
Get a baseline of likes, followers, average post likes/shares/comments, and current

sales/donations, clicks BEFORE you put up your content.
Review after campaign to see how audience responded.

Слайд 12Short and Visual
Brainstorm of how to present your content in different

ways - messaging is different on every platform
Short stories - Think how to impart your message in 140 characters
Visually - What kinds of images will work with this content? Remember - social channels LOVE square images.

Слайд 13Location, location, location
Identify what social media channels make the most sense

to utilize for the campaign.
Typically Facebook & Twitter, but could also use:
Instagram - visual, time-driven, works great for events, brand awareness
Storify - Using a variety of social media & web
Pinterest - photos, infographics
Blog - obviously

Слайд 14Dialogue
Be prepared to have an online dialogue about your content and

the story on social media.
Good to strategize ahead, however...
The conversations may go in directions that you don't plan for.

Слайд 15Measure, rinse and repeat
Feedback - likes, shares, comments, RT's.
Who is

Opportunity - Expand on the content
Keep, refine or pivot the strategy

Слайд 16Social Media - The Good

Слайд 17Social Media - The Bad

Слайд 18Social Media - The Unexpected

Слайд 19Mutual Benefit Society
Social Media can inform the Content Strategy - what

is working

Social Media works best with good Content Strategy

Слайд 20Remember - social media is FUN!
That's why everyone does it

Слайд 21Thank you!
Suna Gurol Communications @SunaG (wow that's a lot of "suna's")

web and social media strategist
Master in Communication in Digital Media University of Washington

Слайд 22Credits
Social media image sizes for 2015:
2015 Content Marketing Trends:

length for social media and digital communications
Photo credits:
Thinking cartoon face, Todd at Vincere Coaching.
Bee pollinating flower, masaiwarrior via Flickr.
Cartoon targets,
Binoculars, Edith Soto via Flickr.
Students with iMac, ©University of the Fraser Valley via Flickr
Social media icons collage,
Baseline - tennis,
Handshake, Trivia Mania,
Hillary Clinton and Mark Zuckerberg meme, Texts from Hillary

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Что такое

Это сайт презентаций, докладов, проектов, шаблонов в формате PowerPoint. Мы помогаем школьникам, студентам, учителям, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться учебными материалами с другими пользователями.

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