Belavia Belarusian Airlines презентация

History of the airline March 5th, 1996 is the birthday of Belavia Belarusian Airlines November 1933 when the inauguration of the Minsk air terminal took place and when the

Слайд 1The airline’s concept of positive image shaping is based on the

safe regular and punctual operations as well as on improvement of passenger service quality.

Слайд 2History of the airline
March 5th, 1996 is the birthday of Belavia

Belarusian Airlines

November 1933 when the inauguration of the Minsk air terminal took place and when the first three PO-2 landed at the airport

November 11th, 2009 is the day when a first e-ticket of the company was bought

Слайд 3Aircraft Fleet
Embraer E-175/195
Embraer E-195

Belavia Belarusian Airlines has a modern air fleet

of the Western and Russian manufacturers At the moment the air fleet of Belavia is amounted to:

Manufacturer: Embraer (Brazil)
Model: Embraer E-175
Engine type: General Electric CF34-8E5
Configuration: 12 seats of the business class and 64 seats of the economy class
The maximum takeoff weight (kg): 38 790
Flight range (km): 3 334
Cruise speed (km/h): 890
The maximum flight altitude (m):12 500

Слайд 4Boeing 737-300/500/800
Manufacturer: Boeing (USA)
Model: 737-300
Engine type: CFM International CFM56-3C-1
Configuration: 148 seats

of the economy class
The maximum takeoff weight (kg): 63276
Flight range (km): 4400Cruise speed (km/h): 910
The maximum flight altitude (m): 10200

Manufacturer: Bombardier (Canada)
Model: CRJ-200 LR
Engine type: General Electric CF34-3B1
Configuration: 50 seats of the economy class
The maximum takeoff weight (kg): 23995
Flight range (km): 3148
Cruise speed (km/h): 786
The maximum flight altitude (m):12496

Слайд 5TU- 154 M
All the aircraft correspond the requirements of the

world standards of technical safety, noise and can operate the flights to the neighboring and far-abroad countries without any limitations

Manufacturer: Russia
Model: TU- 154 M
Engine type: D-30КU-154
Configuration: 131-164
The maximum takeoff weight (kg): 104 000
Flight range (km): 6000
Cruise speed (km/h): 950
The maximum flight altitude (m): 12100

Слайд 6The airports

Слайд 7Partner Airlines

Слайд 10Our certificates

Слайд 11Thank you for your attention!

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