A Supercharged Approach To PR SEO Success презентация

Extensive Digital Experience

Слайд 1A Supercharged Approach To PR SEO Success
Rebecca Lee
Digital PR specialist at

Dynamo PR



Слайд 2Extensive Digital Experience

Слайд 3
A Supercharged Approach To PR SEO Success
(that doesn't rely on being

embedded in an industry or knowing everyone)

Слайд 4The Current Media Landscape

Слайд 5Getting Links Is Tougher

Слайд 7Job Cuts = More Freelancers

Слайд 8Fewer Staff

Слайд 11Multi media

Слайд 12Media SEO Strategies

Слайд 13
All I See Are Big Opportunities
We need to shake up

our content marketing strategies and spot the opportunities to win big

Слайд 14So What Does This Mean For Search Marketing?

Слайд 17Demanded by our industry
To future proof our work the focus

needs to be increasing brand visibility instead of ‘link building’

Слайд 18Supercharged Skills

Слайд 19Keyword shower enclosures . . .

Слайд 20Who Doesn’t Love A Top Ten
Top 10 celebrities women want to

shower with

David Beckham
George Clooney
Daniel Craig
Ryan Gosling
Idris Elba
Benedict Cumberbatch
Prince Harry
Jamie Dornan
Simon Cowell
Harry Styles

Top 10 celebrities men want to shower with

Kelly Brook
Cheryl Fernandez-Versini
Rachel Riley
Holly Wiloughby
Kate Middleton
Myleene Klass
Michelle Keegan
Sheridan Smith
Susanna Reid

Слайд 21PR In A Box

Слайд 23It’s Doesn’t Take A Genius

Слайд 26Ace On The Phone

Слайд 27
PR SEO means making the unsexy, sexy

Слайд 28Day To Day

Слайд 30Get Up Early,Sell Hard

Слайд 31Targeting Verticals

Слайд 32 What The Trade Media Write About
New Hires
Sales Data and Trends

/ Redesign

Expansions, News Suppliers


New Products

Related Fun Stories

Слайд 33Colchester Here I Come

Слайд 36Bread and butter

Слайд 37Local media

Слайд 38Business Bylines

Слайд 40Head shots
Group/ casual office shots
Short bios
Slick sign off process
Agreed topics

Don't Screw Up The Basics

Ian Monk
Founder and CEO

Rebekah Monk
Founder and Director

Tamsin Allen
Creative Director

Слайд 41What Makes A Story

Слайд 43
We need to be doing more than just story telling, we

need to be story MAKING!

Слайд 44Before And After

Слайд 45The Ugly Ducking

Слайд 46Rags To Riches

Слайд 47Modern Day Cinderella

Слайд 48Tried and Tested Idea’s

Слайд 50Creativity Always Wins

Слайд 51Owning Your Market

Слайд 52Is there a day for that?

Слайд 53Knowledge Showcasing

Слайд 55And again

Слайд 56Exclusive content

Слайд 57But... always remember The 'Why'

Слайд 58Deadly Sleep

Слайд 59The Why

Слайд 60Micro Pigs!

Слайд 61The Why

Слайд 62How To Win At Newsjumps

Слайд 63Underrated

Слайд 64
Don't be afraid to collaborate with other organisations, it could strengthen

your story and make it fly!

Слайд 65What Colour Do You See?

Слайд 66Social Ripples

Слайд 67Last Minute Plan

Слайд 68Exclusive with the Daily Mail

Слайд 69Full Feature

Слайд 70Coverage Success

Слайд 71Interesting fact about publishing I noticed was..

Слайд 72Key Takeaways

Слайд 73Recommended Tools

Слайд 74A reason 'why’

A supercharged PR SEO campaign needs:

Слайд 75A reason 'why’
To stick to the story narratives we all know

and love

A supercharged PR SEO campaign needs:

Слайд 76A reason 'why’
To stick to the story narratives we all know

and love
Move on from link building to increasing visibility

A supercharged PR SEO campaign needs:

Слайд 77Thank You

Rebecca Lee
Digital PR specialist at Dynamo PR

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