Standing Out in a World of Content Overload 7 Takeaways from Content Marketing World 2014 презентация

More content is being generated than ever before 70% of B2B Content Marketers created more content this year 55% will increase and 32% will maintain Content Marketing spend

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Standing Out in a World of Content Overload
7 Takeaways from Content

Marketing World 2014

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More content is being generated than ever before

70% of B2B Content

Marketers created more content this year

55% will increase and 32% will maintain Content Marketing spend

How will your company stand out?


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The Buyer’s Journey is not a guided tour

Buyers can’t usually be

escorted in their journey from awareness to purchase

Understand where they land on their journey and establish a presence at each spot, including 3rd party sites, review sites, social platforms, search results

Advanced: Be the potential buyer’s “point of inspiration” by creating and sharing inspiring and authentic stories


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Integrate authentic stories into your content

Find real stories that engage your


Great stories generate:
Conflict & suspense
Empathy & authenticity
Tap into emotions
Foster aspirations in your audience

Drive meaningful attention


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Unique Practices are better than Best Practices

Copying Content Marketing approaches (“best

practices”) is less valuable than finding your unique approach. Some ways:
Develop a strong, unforgettable voice
Be the best at something (e.g. best “digital” teacher)
Document (or create) compelling stories (see #3)
Go beyond traditional content (see #5)


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Writing will never diminish as a key part of Content Marketing


if your job description is not a “writer,” great writing is still essential (for ads, emails, posts, press releases, slidesets, web content)

Managers: hire people who can write well (look at samples)

Marketers: continue to hone your writing skills

All content marketers need to be great writers


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Move beyond your content comfort zone

Blogging, eBooks, Infographics, webinars – yes,

we know the drill. What else?
Understand your buyer’s ultimate goal and process
Develop “things” that replace parts of their process
Examples: Calculators, self-assessment tools, digital assets (like stock photos or buttons for web), presentation templates (like a VC pitch deck), statistics (to help with internal pitches)


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Use agile marketing management approaches

The online marketing world is complicated -

cause and effect are often hard to connect

We’re also in a time of rapid change and need to stay nimble

A Waterfall approach to marketing management (plan, build, measure, deliver) is sub-optimal in this environment

Agile practices with long term planning, shorter work cycles and active communication better allow marketing to align with changing priorities

Слайд 9Lessons inspired by....
1) Content Marketing Statistics:
Content Marketing Institute, B2B Content Marketing

2015 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends – North America, @CMWorld

2) Buyer’s Journey:
Andrew Davis, @TPLDrew
Robert Rose, @Robert_Rose

3) Authentic Stories:
Kevin Spacey, @Kevin Spacey
Andrew Davis, @TPLDrew
Joe Pulizzi, @JoePulizzi

4) Unique Practices:
Ann Handley, @annhandley
Marcus Sheridan, @thesaleslion
Kevin Spacey, @Kevin Spacey
Andrew Davis, @TPLDrew

5) Great Writers:
Ann Handley, @annhandley

6) Content Comfort Zone:
Jay Acunzo, @Jay_zo

7) Agile Marketing Management:
Scott Brinker, @chiefmartec

Content Marketing World 2014

Слайд 10
Wrike’s powerful cloud integrations
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Слайд 11Photo Credits

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