27 Social Media Experts give you their #1 practical tip for managing a Facebook Page презентация


Слайд 127 Social Media Experts give you their #1 practical tip for

managing a Facebook Page

Слайд 2Is your business struggling to see results on Facebook?

Слайд 3Does it feel like not enough people are seeing your content

or engaging with your Facebook page?

Слайд 4To help you out I have gathered a great list of

social media experts who have all experienced success with their Facebook pages. They will reveal their #1 practical tip for managing a Facebook page.

Слайд 5
So get your pen and paper ready or open up that

blank word document and get ready to be Inspired!

*These are all a snapshot of the full quotes. To read the full post click the link at the end of the Slideshare

Слайд 61. Vanessa Lewis, Social Catapault
“Get into the minds, and hearts, of your

target audience. Put yourself in their shoes…what do they want and need in terms of relevant information, ideas, inspiration and entertainment? Notice what they respond to and tailor your content accordingly.”

Слайд 72. Andrea Vahl, Andreavahl.com
“Managing a Facebook page happens best when you participate

both on your Page and on the Pages of others. Make sure you are replying to comments or at least acknowledging comments with a Like. Then also watching the Pages of your community members.”

Слайд 83. Mark Schaefer, Businessgrow.com
“Consider "engagement" strategically. It is not a goal in

and of itself but a tactic that leads to awareness, connection and eventually loyalty. Engagement comes at a cost, both in terms of time, attention and content creation resources so consider that engagement needs to support a metric for the business.”

Слайд 94. Emeric Ernoult, Agora Pulse
“My number 1 tip for managing a Facebook

page is to understand that this will require the same amount of time and efforts as it takes to build and nurture a "real life" network: - it will not be great overnight - you'll have to give a lot first before you can expect to receive - you have to invest in maintaining the relationship alive.” 

Слайд 105. Scott Ayres, Postplanner
“My #1 tip for managing a Facebook page is

to be human. No one likes to follow a page that never responds or responds with a regurgitated answer over and over. Call people by their first name and give them the respect they deserve.”

Слайд 116. Robert Caruso, Bundle Post
“If you're not paying to play there's little

to manage.”

Слайд 127. Aaron Lee, PostPlanner
“Sometimes it’s easy to forget to post daily. The

way we do it for our Facebook page is we plan and schedule our content calendar with a variety of content 2-3 weeks in advance. By doing so it helps us to save time, focus on building quality content and most importantly focus on getting social and building an authentic relationship with our fans.”

Слайд 138. Joshua Parkinson, PostPlanner
“You MUST continue re-posting your evergreen blog content on

your Facebook page. Each time you re-post an evergreen article, it's reaching fans who've never seen it before -- and thus sending new traffic to your website. So that's my #1 tip for managing a Facebook community -- to not be afraid of posting the same content multiple times on your page.”

Слайд 149. Christian Karasawitz, Christiankonline.com
“Building a community on Facebook isn’t a one-way street.

By taking the time to connect with your audience through discussions on posts or engaging with them to find out why they came to your page and how you can help them.You can start to build a loyal following and strong community presence on Facebook.”

Слайд 1510.Francisco Roles, SocialMouths
“Use Audience Insights to learn more about your own community I

think the best way to manage a Facebook page is to start by learning more about who its members are. I mean, beyond the demographic data. This might sound a little “basic” but you’d be surprised to see how many community managers fail to take the necessary time to understand who they’re talking to.”

Слайд 1611. Mike Gingerich, Tabsite
“You can't be all "selly sell" (Chris Brogan speak)

on Facebook.  Users are on Facebook mostly to be entertained.  So to connect with them you must entertain.  The more you connect, the more they engage, the more they will see your other posts that click through to your website and apps, and the more likely they will be to click through and go!  Do NOT overlook the need to connect and entertain on Facebook.  It's the gateway!”

Слайд 1712. Ian Cleary, Razor Social
“Pay for advertising on Facebook. We pay our email

marketing tool provider to email our email subscribers; we pay Google if we don't rank organically for content so we should pay Facebook for increased reach of our posts. ”

Слайд 1813. Michael Todd, xeeme.com/michaelqtodd
“Talk regularly on the pages of other businesses in

your niche and/or locality. This will put your brand in front of the people you want to connect with and be seen by and you will only be a click away from getting new business. Be fun, friendly and educational and you will have great success with this strategy.”

Слайд 1914. Hugh Briss, Social Identities
“The power of social media is not in

selling directly but in inspiring and motivating others to do it for you. That doesn't mean you only need to post content your fans and followers will share but first and foremost, you need a quality product they can believe in and a solid brand behind it.”

Слайд 2015. Jenny Brennan, Virtual office Worx
“Running a Facebook page is a full

time job. Like any other community you need a strong leader who understands the needs of the fans. Define a vision for your community and you will find it easier to create and curate amazing content that people will want to engage with and find value in!”

Слайд 2116. Pam Moore, Marketing Nutz
“Always focus on the needs of your community.

It is what happens "after the like" that matters most. Inspire them to connect with you with a goal of helping them achieve their goals.”

Слайд 2217. Kim Garst, Boom Social
“The #1 tip for managing my Facebook page

starts with a solid content plan. The key to a content plan is to develop a list of types of content that you think your ideal customer will relate to.”

Слайд 2318. Dennis Yu, BlitzMetrics
“Change your setting to be fully open in terms

of letting people comment, tag, reply, and so forth. Unless you are absolutely vilified, you're opening yourself to a lot more growth and positive feedback.” 

Слайд 2419. Blake Jamieson, Pool Supply World
“Facebook changes so often - and the

changes are entirely out of the page manager's control. It's important to stay up-to-date with platform changes, but even more important to diversify your points of contact with your fans.”

Слайд 2520. Brian Carter, Briancartergroup.com
“My number one tip would be to really get

to know who your audience by keeping track of the engagement rate you get when you post to them. Divide the likes by the reach. You should get at least 1%, then try for 3-5%” 

Слайд 2621. Liz Azyan, Liz Azyan's guide to engagement online & research
“The main

common thread that runs through any successful Facebook community is their ability to create unique and memorable experiences for their members. Understanding their connection is not only with you, but with each other and the wider Facebook community.”

Слайд 2722. Juan Felix, Felix Relationship Marketing
“My  number one tip for managing a

Facebook page would be to spend some time to use the right visuals for your content. You know, as social visual communication is becoming more important, you need to search for high quality content and visuals at the same time. So spend enough time to find the appropriate visual before you share an update on your Page.”

Слайд 2823. Zsusa Kecsmar, Antavo Promotion Builder
“We see that our customers use contests

and sweepstakes successfully to build a vibrant community on Facebook. They deeply involve fans with a photo contest, or run a light-hearted sweepstakes where fans can enter with a single click. A good Facebook contest has multiple, lower value prizes (so the chance of winning is higher), allows public voting (so those people who don’t upload their own entry can participate), and promoted well” 

Слайд 2924. Alex Houg, BlitzMetrics
“Let the community do the work for you. Promote

trusted members to admin, share their statuses, and elevate them. Public praise and encouragement shows you have a true two-way community.”

Слайд 3025. Rosh Khan, SocialRankMedia.com
“You need to be STRATEGIC about the TYPE of

content that gets promoted (either through "Boosts "and/ or Page Post Engagement ads). For us, the trick is to determine if your content falls under one of two categories -- it's either ENGAGING or it's for BRAND AWARENESS.”

Слайд 3126. Jon Loomer, JonLoomer.com
“Experiment with publishing at non-peak times! I’m finding that

I get the most reach and (most importantly) engagement from posts that are published in the middle of the night my time. My theory is that due to less competition, my content is less likely to get filtered out, resulting in reaching more people. ”

Слайд 3227. Keri Jaheing, Idea Girl Media
“Focus On Your Target Market This may sound

so simple.  We all imagine our ideal customer reading our posts and loving (liking) what we send out into their Facebook news feed. For the small to medium sized brand, it is a bit more difficult.  And even harder still for the start up and solo entrepreneur.  It takes investment of time and money to attract your ideal target market to your Facebook Page!”

Слайд 33Just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU to all the

social media experts that shared their practical tips for managing a Facebook page. Wow! Now that’s a lot of value crammed into one post. To read the full article  


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