Content Promotion Tactics For Link Acquisition презентация


I still give a crap about links

Слайд 1@staceycav
Content Promotion Tactics

For Link Acquisition
Stacey MacNaught

Слайд 2I still give a crap about links

Слайд 3(Yep, even in 2015).

Слайд 4And I’ll still give a crap
about them next year.

Слайд 5And, let’s be honest, links are why SEO
agencies have had

to adopt
content led marketing

Слайд 6We invest heavily in content
with the primary goal of building


Слайд 7


Слайд 8@kerboo


Слайд 10Simple ideas formatted to fit target audiences

Слайд 12Over the past 5 years, we’ve modified
our processes extensively to improve

success rates. Changes include:

Слайд 13Better goal setting

Слайд 14More efficient ideation

Слайд 15Thorough audience analysis

Слайд 16Higher quality production

Слайд 17Significantly higher investment
into smarter promotion planning
and execution

Слайд 18Time and money.

Слайд 19But first, let’s take a step back…

Слайд 20Why do people link?

Слайд 21 “Because I paid them.”

- Me, circa 2009.

Слайд 22“Because we spent so many many many many many many hours

creating a linkable asset and then promoting it.” Me, circa 2015.

Слайд 23But, there is some good news, link lovers.

Слайд 24The reasons that people link are far simpler than the reasons

they share on social

Слайд 25Read this.

Слайд 26@kerboo


Слайд 27And This.

Слайд 28@kerboo


Слайд 29@kerboo


Слайд 30So, sharing is all about relationships

Слайд 31Whereas natural linking is often more about attribution (or blame).

Слайд 32That’s why image link building is so effective

Слайд 33

Слайд 34

Слайд 35Image link building works in travel, B2B, finance, insurance, retail….

Слайд 36Because if people use something that belongs to you, they attribute.

Слайд 37So how does this apply to content promotion?

Слайд 38Well, first of all it raises the
questions about why someone

link (rather than share)
the piece of content we are

Слайд 39Does your content have
linkable assets?

Слайд 40A compelling story
A linkable asset

Слайд 41Linkable assets could be:
Images journalists or bloggers
will want to use when

about your story.

Слайд 42Linkable assets could be:
A tool that solves the problem
your story is


Слайд 43Linkable assets could be:
A download that the blogger or
journalist’s audience will

benefit from

Слайд 44Linkable assets could be:
Even simply a highly controversial
opinion or statistic that

effectively wants to write about but
blame you for!

Слайд 45Ultimately, they’re things that justify a link rather than just a


Слайд 46Ok…back to promotion.

Слайд 47Outreach ≠ Promotion

Слайд 48If ‘outreach’ is the only thing you
are doing to promote your

content, then you are not
doing enough.

Слайд 49Outreach ≠ Promotion

Слайд 50Before you can plan promotion
you need to know why you’re doing


Слайд 51What does success look like?


Слайд 52You need to know who you’re
doing it for

Слайд 53@kerboo


When your goals centre around link acquisition, your content target audience might not be the same as your target customer

Слайд 54@kerboo


Слайд 55@kerboo


You want me to link?

Слайд 56Align your objectives with your audience

Слайд 57Find out where your audience is
finding content and what they’re


1. Where

Слайд 58
YouGov Profiles

Слайд 59

Слайд 60

Слайд 61

Слайд 62

Слайд 63
Facebook Audience Insights

Слайд 64

Слайд 65
Google Display Planner

Слайд 66

Слайд 67Start finding specific contacts
2. Who

Слайд 69

Слайд 70
Organise them into Tiers

Слайд 71Get buy in early (where possible)
3. When

Слайд 72Tier 1 – Before Production

Слайд 73@kerboo


Good old fashioned

Слайд 74@kerboo



Слайд 75I saw you wrote about people with their faces in their

phones in the pub!

If I had data suggesting people spend 3 hours of the day on their phone, would it be of interest?

Слайд 76I saw you wrote about people with their faces in their

phones in the pub!

If I had data suggesting people spend 3 hours of the day on their phone, would it be of interest?

Слайд 77@kerboo



Слайд 78Great. While we’re conducting our research, are there any other questions

you think we should be asking?

Is there any data we could acquire that would specifically help you?

Слайд 79Messaging and Headlines
4. What

Слайд 81How well you describe your content is
as important as how good

it actually is.

Слайд 83Let’s take a lesson from
clickbait headlines

Слайд 88Yes, you need a cracking headline.

Слайд 89Yes, you need a cracking headline.
But you also need to deliver

on it.

Слайд 90The headline might generate the
interest. But delivering on it
generates the link.

Слайд 91
Test headlines, email subjects, Tweets…

Слайд 93MailChimp Lets You Split Test Email

Слайд 94Read this.

Слайд 95And these.

Слайд 96And these.

Слайд 97And these.

Слайд 98Reaching the right people at scale
5. How

Слайд 99Outreach ≠ Promotion

Слайд 100Supplement with Paid Press Release Distribution

Слайд 101Paid Social and Content Discovery

Слайд 102PPC for Content Promotion

Слайд 103“Adwords is

Слайд 104“Adwords is

Слайд 105Adwords is auction based.
If nobody is bidding, it’s
freakin’ cheap.

Слайд 106Nobody’s bidding

Слайд 107Nobody’s bidding

Слайд 108Nobody’s bidding

Слайд 109Bing is even cheaper.

Слайд 110On Page SEO for Content

Слайд 113Treat a piece of content the
way you would treat a key

or service page

Слайд 114Thank you


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