BRAND PERSONALITY Why you desperately need it презентация


The hardest thing about selling today is that customers don’t need you the way they used to.

Why you desperately need it

Слайд 2The hardest thing about selling today is that customers don’t need

you the way they used to.

Слайд 3They can find anything they want with a few clicks and

have endless choice at their fingertips.

Слайд 4They are also highly sceptical of any claim you make and

for the most only act on trusted recommendations.

Слайд 5According to Brian Carroll, CEO of InTouch and author of Lead

Generation for the
Complex Sale, up to 95 percent of qualified prospects on your Web site are there to research and are not yet ready to talk with a sales rep

Слайд 6but as many as 70 percent of them will eventually buy

a product from you

Слайд 7or your competitors.

Слайд 8The challenge is therefore this:
How do I attract attention?

Слайд 9How do I make sure visitors stick around long enough to

really ‘get’ why I’m the one they should do business with?

Слайд 10How do I get them to love my brand?

Слайд 11How do I make sure they remember me when they are

ready to purchase?

Слайд 12There are three key things you need to get in place

Слайд 13You need to create: “Wow! That’s impressive.”

You need to capture attention.

they don’t know about you, they can’t buy from you.

Слайд 14You need to create “Aha! I get it!”

Explain it so they

‘get’ it.

If people don’t ‘get’ why they should buy from you rather than the competition they won’t buy from you.

Слайд 15You need to create “Yes, I want it!”

Convert excitement into action.


have to persuade people to take action.

Слайд 16But to make all this really effective you need to wrap

it all in a strong Brand Personality

Слайд 17Imagine this onion is your brand

Слайд 18And these other onions are other people’s brands.

Слайд 19How do you get people to choose your onion over those

other lookalikes crowding your space?

Слайд 20In the 21st century, where brands continually scout and find and

grab and assimilate, everyone ends up doing pretty much what everyone else does.

Слайд 21Add to these consumers that click and scan and compare and

decide on gut feel, and victory for a brand becomes little more than a dice throw.

Слайд 22You see, for the brand owner there is a distinct different

in the offer - but everything has become a commodity in the eyes of the consumer.

Слайд 23And it is because they think it’s all the same that

you need to make your brand dynamically distinctly different and unforgettable.

Слайд 24There is only one thing you can do that cannot be

copied by the competition …

Слайд 25
You need to give your brand … personality.

Слайд 26Brand personality reflects how people feel about your brand, rather than

what they think the brand is or does.

Слайд 27It is a unique collection of emotional triggers people can connect


Слайд 28You can usually describe a brand personality as a collection of

adjectives commonly used to describe people’s personalities
Conservative or progressive?
Formal or Casual?
Serious or playful?
Leading or supportive?
Stylish or plain?
Reserved or outspoken?
Stable or dynamic?
Predictable or surprising?

Слайд 29To effectively project this Brand Personality you need to:

Слайд 30
Get a unique voice – find an interesting, unique, desirable and

engaging way of sharing things with people.

Слайд 31Use emotion – people connect with emotions so ooze emotions: be

fun, funny, happy, serious, surprising, bouncy, silly, formal, romantic, scary, clever, strong, mysterious …

Слайд 32Be very visual – 83% of human learning occurs visually so

it only makes sense to give your brand personality a distinctive, instantly recognizable look.

Слайд 33Create stories – The human brain is wired for storytelling –

it is one of the most effective techniques for capturing the hearts and minds of people.

Слайд 34Humanize the brand - above all, be human.

Слайд 35
Brand personality is the expression of the fundamental core values and

characteristics of a brand.

Слайд 36
At the forefront is the visual expression of this brand personality.

Here are some options:

Слайд 37 
Rope in some famous actor (OK, that might be a bit


Слайд 38
Find someone internal that fits the bill

Слайд 39
Express brand personality with body language

Слайд 40
Use props to express the brand personality

Слайд 41
Do the Hollywood treatment

Слайд 42Find a unique, creative hook

Слайд 43If you really can’t find someone suitable …  

Слайд 44… or a suitable creative hook …

Слайд 45Characters will do the trick.

Слайд 46Characters come in all shapes and sizes so there’s bound to

be one that will fit your brand and add oodles of personality

Слайд 47The message is clear: either win consumers’ hearts or risk watching

them chase after some other brand.

Слайд 48Win them over with BRAND PERSONALITY  

Слайд 49The advantages of BRAND PERSONALITY
Differentiate your Brand
Makes it Memorable
Makes it Likable

Message Consistency
Offer Vehicle for creating engaging messages

Слайд 50WAKSTER - giving people a reason to love your brand.
If you

want to add personality to your brand, get in touch with us today!

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