Peter Pan презентация

Peter Pan is the character of the books by Scottish writer sir James Barrie "Peter Pan in Kensington gardens", "Peter Pan" (1904) and "Peter Pan and Wendy" (1911).


Слайд 2Peter Pan is the character of the books by Scottish writer

James Barrie
"Peter Pan in Kensington gardens",
"Peter Pan" (1904) and "Peter Pan and Wendy" (1911).

Слайд 3He is one of the most popular characters of the children's

literature of the 20-th century. The prototype of the character that inspired the writer was Michael Davis.

Слайд 4Peter Pan is the boy who doesn't want to grow up.

He remains young forever; he still has baby teeth. He ran away from home through chimney and flew to Kensington gardens, where he met the fairies.

Слайд 5Later he lived in Neverland - in the company of the

missing boys — those who were lost in Kensington gardens with Wendy Darling. He has got his own fairy Tinker Bell. His worst enemy is Captain Hook.

Слайд 6The main characters

Слайд 7Peter Pan is the main character of the cartoon, a fourteen-year-old

boy. He always remains a child and does not grow up. He's a real prankster and a naughty boy, as all the boys of his age are.

Слайд 8Tinker Bell is a beautiful little fairy from the magical land

Neverland.The fairy baby is able to fly easily and quickly. She sprays the pixie dust on other and it helps them to rise high into the sky and fly under the clouds.

Слайд 9Wendy is a girl, the same age as Peter Pan. The

heroine is very meek, kind, smart and beautiful. She loves her younger brothers, helps her mother to look after them and helps about the house.

Слайд 10The youngest child in the family of Dolings – Michael is

a very funny kid. He loves to listen to the stories about Peter Pan, which Wendy tells him. A blond child, who walks in the children's sliders.

Слайд 11John is the middle child in the family of Dolings. He

wears glasses. As well as his younger brother, he loves to listen to the stories of his sister and imagines himself as Peter Pan. A very smart boy.

Слайд 12Mrs. Doling is a loving mother of Wendy, Michael and John.

She is a very beautiful woman. She always finds out right words which are able to console.

Слайд 13Mr. Doling is the head of the family and a strict

father. He even does not want to hear about Peter Pan. He believes that the family members pay little attention and care to him.

Слайд 14Nana is a dog of the Dolings, which brings tea, takes

away toys and makes beds. She watches the kids. She is very similar to a nanny.

Слайд 15Captain Hook is the captain of a pirate ship. He is

a courageous, brave and ruthless man hunting for Peter Pan to take revenge on him. By the Hook's stories it was Peter Pan who deprived him his hand.

Слайд 16The crocodile is another character. Once he was lucky to catch

the severed hand of captain Hook and swallow. It then he realized that there was no food taster and began to hunt for the captain.

Слайд 17Smith is the assistant of captain Hook. He always gets from

other members of the pirate gang. He is a kindly and cowardly pirate. He easily finds a common languange with the crocodile.

Слайд 18The end

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