Hogsmeade. Wizarding World of Harry Potter презентация

Слайд 1Wizarding World
Harry Potter

Слайд 2Hogsmeade is a small village not far from Hogwarts, the only

village in the UK where there are absolutely no Muggles. It was founded in the Middle Ages by Enghist of Woodcroft.

Слайд 3Any Hogwarts student, starting from the third year, is entitled to

visit Hogsmeade 3-4 times a year, if the parents or guardian provide written permission to the school administration. For the bad behavior of a student this right can be deprived by dean of the faculty.

Слайд 5For example, in the third year on the initiative of Professor

McGonagall this right until the end of the year lost Neville Dolpops, who lost by negligence a piece of paper with passwords from the portrait to the living room

Слайд 6And in the fifth year of such opportunities, on the initiative

of Professor Umbridge was extra Harry Potter, for in Hogsmeade gave an interview about the revival of Volan de Mort in the magazine "The Quibbler".

Слайд 8In the village students bought themselves various sweets, played games, snowballs

and other things.

Слайд 9The most popular institution in Hogsmeade is the "Sweet Kingdom", this

is where all students go during their winter excursions.

Слайд 10"Three Broomsticks Inn"

Слайд 11The Three Broomsticks is a popular inn and pub in the

all wizarding village of Hogsmeade and is often frequented by students from the neighbouring Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The inn is often warm, crowded, and a bit smoky, but clean and welcoming. There drinks such as Butterbeer and Firewhiskey are served in glasses and in foaming pewter tankards, as well as gillywater, mulled mead, red currant rum, and even cherry syrup and soda with ice and an umbrella.

Слайд 12Leaky Cauldron

Слайд 13The Leaky Cauldron was a popular wizarding pub and inn located in London.
The pub was built

by Daisy Dodderidge, the first landlady, in the early 1500s "to serve as a gateway between the non-wizarding world and Diagon Alley "
It had a bar, several private parlour rooms, and a large dining room.
To Muggles, the pub appears to be a broken-down old shop front on Charing Cross Road. This, however, was not the case prior to the imposition of the Statute of Secrecy and, in fact, prior to this, Muggle visitors were neither turned away, nor made to feel unwelcome.

Слайд 14In the village there is owl' post. In the world of

Harry Potter it is a place of rest owls after the delivery of letters.

Слайд 16
Wizarding World
Harry Potter

Слайд 17The Hogwarts Express is the name of the train that makes

a run between London, King's Cross Station Platform 9¾ and Hogsmeade Station. It makes this run at about six times a year, maybe more, as needed.

Слайд 18The Express dutifully carries students to and from Hogwarts School of

Witchcraft and Wizardry at the start and end of every term.

Слайд 19Hogwarts Express

Слайд 20Hogsmeade Shops: ★ "Dervish and Bangs" - a store of magic accessories. ★

"Zonko" - magic tricks from Zonko. ★ "Pizarro's Feather Shop" - a store of writing materials. ★ "Sweet Kingdom" - a confectionery and a sweet store. ★ "Invisible Hat" - a clothing store for wizards. ★ "Music store Dominic Maestro" - a music store.

Слайд 21"Dervish and Bangs" " - a music store.

Слайд 23"Zonko"

Слайд 24"Sweet Kingdom"

Слайд 25«Кабанья голова»
Cafes and Bars:
★ "Hog's Head Inn" is a very old

bar with a not very good reputation. Admission is for adults only.
★ Madame Paddyfoot's Cafe is a pretty romantic cafe. The exact name is unknown.
★ "Three Broomsticks Inn" - a cafe-bar for everyone.

Слайд 26Hog's Head Inn

Слайд 27"Three Broomsticks Inn"

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