The phoneme theory презентация

Outline 1. The phoneme and its definition 2. Aspects of the phoneme 3. Types of mistakes 4. The Phoneme Theory at home and abroad 5. Methods of Phonological Investigation 6. Morphonology

Слайд 1Prof. Tatiana Levina
Vladimir State University

The Phoneme Theory

Слайд 2Outline
1. The phoneme and its definition
2. Aspects of the phoneme
3. Types

of mistakes
4. The Phoneme Theory at home and abroad
5. Methods of Phonological Investigation
6. Morphonology

Слайд 3The Phoneme and Its Definition
phoneme [fni:m]
N.V. Krushevsky (1851-1887)
Baudouin de Courtenay

[b dwæn d k: tn ]


Слайд 4The Phoneme and Its Definition
“The phoneme is the smallest, further indivisible

language unit that exists in the speech of all members of a given language community as such speech sounds which are capable of differentiating one word from another or one grammatical form of a word from another grammatical form of the same word.”
(prof. Vassilyev 1970)

Слайд 5Aspects of the Phoneme
The aspects: material
allophone [ælfn]
principal [prntspl]
secondary (subsidiary)

relevant (distinctive)
irrelevant (nondistinctive)

Слайд 6 forelingual
plosive (stop)
fortis (voiceless)
The Sound [t] in Isolation

Слайд 7The Allophones of the Phoneme [t]
1. principal: [t:]
2. subsidiary:
[ti:] (palatalized)

ðm] dental (not alveolar)
[nt ðm]

[tri:] post alveolar

Слайд 8The Allophones of the Phoneme [t]
no plosion: [nt kwat]
[nt kl]

plosion: [nt ltl]
[nt let]
not aspirated: [ste]
labialized: [twas]

Слайд 9The Invariant of the Phoneme [t]
The bundle of distinctive articulatory features:

Слайд 10The Invariant of the Phoneme [t]
forelingual – backlingual articulation
[t:n - k:n]

[tra - kra]
[t:n - d:n] [ta - da]
occlusive – constrictive articulation
[ti: -si:] [tld - sld]

Слайд 11The phonemes differentiate the meaning of:
1) morphemes:
[sli:p - sli:p]
[sefl - seft]

[pe - be]
[t:n - d:n]
3) sentences:
I don’t like this cat. – I don’t like this cut.
I don’t like this girl. – I don’t like this curl.

Слайд 12Irrelevant Features of Phonemes

vowel length

A Phonological Opposition (Distinctive)

[h:d - h:t] (lenis-fortis articulation

Слайд 133. Types of Mistakes
I. Phonological:
e.g. [ri: - tri:]
1) The place of

[] - interdental
[t] - alveolar
2) The manner of noise production:
[] - fricative, constrictive
[t] – occlusive, stop

Слайд 14Types of Mistakes
II. Phonetic:
e.g. [let ðm]
alveolar or dental [t]
overlengthened [i:]

Слайд 154. The Phoneme Theory at Home and Abroad
to exaggerate
to ignore

I.A. Baudouin

de Courtenay
[bdwæn d k:tni]
a fictitious unit [fkts]
a psychical image [sakkl]
idealistic [adlstk]

Слайд 16The Phoneme Theory at Home and Abroad
L.V. Scherba (1880-1944)
“Russian Vowels in

Qualitative and Quantitative Aspects” (1911)
“A Manual of French Phonetics”
The Prague School of Linguistics
Vilem Mathesius (1882-1945)
Богумил Трнка
Богуслав Гавранек
Йозеф Вахек
Р.О. Якобсон (Roman Jacobson)
Н.С. Трубецкой (1990-1938)

Слайд 17The Phoneme Theory at Home and Abroad
Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913)

f:dnænd d ssj]
Twaddel [twdel]
Leonard Bloomfield [lend blu:mfi:ld]
Daniel Jones [dænjl dnz]
vulgarly – materialistic
Bloch [blh]
Trager [treg]

Слайд 185. Methods of Phonological Investigation
1. semantically – distributional:
Phonemes can distinguish meaning

when opposed to one another.
Allophones of the same phoneme never occur in the same phonetic context.
a commutation test:
a). [pn – sn]
b). [pn - pn]
c). [pn – hn]

Слайд 19 Methods of Phonological Investigation
a system of oppositions:
- single: [pen –

ben] fortis-lenis
double: [pen – den]
bilabial – forlingual fortis-lenis
triple: [pen – ðen]
bilabial – forlingual occlusive - constrictive

Слайд 20 Methods of Phonological Investigation
[h] is never used at the end

is never used at the beginning

2. substitutional (formally distributional)
шкаф – шкап
The sounds are different but the meaning is the same.

Слайд 216. Morphonology

To establish the phonemic status of sounds when

their distinctive features are neutralized.
[bdkt -bdekt] [] – []
лук – луг (луга) [k]
the Moscow School (morphological)
П.С. Кузнецов
А.А. Реформатский
Р.И. Аванесов

Слайд 22Morphonology
the Moscow School (morphological)
The phonemic status of the morpheme is constant,

it cannot vary.
A strong position of a vowel is when it is stressed.
A strong position of a consonant is before a vowel.

Слайд 23Morphonology
The variation of the allophones of the same phoneme is not

limited. One and the same sound can belong to different phonemes.
[bdkt -bdekt] - the morphemes are the same, so the sounds [] and [] are the allophones of the same phoneme.
лук – луг (луга)– the morphemes are different, so the allophones [k] belong to different phonemes.

Слайд 24
the Leningrad School (Scherba’s school)
Л.Р. Зиндер
М.И. Матусевич
Л.В. Бондарко
В.А. Васильев
One and

the same sound cannot belong to different phonemes.
The difference between the allophones of the same phoneme is limited.

Слайд 25
[bdkt - bdekt] [] and [] – allophones of

different phonemes.
лук – луг (луга) – the allophones [k] belong to the same phoneme.

[dg - led]
корзина, корова, собака, [dekret]
[nju:z – nju:spep]

Слайд 26

Thank you

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