Сокровища Эмалевой комнаты. Мозаика Манджоса презентация

«Мозаика Манджоса» – это новый вид национального искусства. “...Почему Фаберже, виртуозно владея искусством эмали, не додумался своё единственное мозаичное яйцо тоже сделать именно из этого материала, а сделал его из

Слайд 1Студия-мастерская и Школа Эмалевой мозаики Андрея Манджоса представляют
проект мировой культуры


разместить на постоянных условиях признанную ещё в 2009 году
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«Сокровища Эмалевой комнаты»,

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и окружающий её
Музейный комплекс - Парк достопримечательностей

Copyright © 2001, 2011,2011. All rights reserved.


Слайд 2«Мозаика Манджоса» – это новый вид национального искусства.

“...Почему Фаберже, виртуозно владея

искусством эмали, не додумался своё единственное мозаичное яйцо тоже сделать именно из этого материала, а сделал его из камней? До эмалевой мозаики догадался только наш современник - московский художник Андрей Манджос, который и стал первым в мире эмальером- мозаичистом, хотя именно Фаберже был, как никто, очень близок к этому...”

это не камни, ни бисер, ни смальта! Мозаика, собранная из огромного количества крохотных медных пластинок, покрытых многоцветной эмалью, является авторским изобретением московского эмальера Андрея Манджоса (Международный Патент РФ № 2.213.667)!

Этот новый прием работы с классическим материалом, несмотря на многовековое существование мозаичных и эмальерных
техник, не имеет аналога ни в истории
мозаики, ни в истории эмали. Из горячей
эмали художник создает мозаичные панно, картины, портреты, скульптуры, ювелирные изделия, пасхальные яйца, фамильные монограммы, предметы мебели, культа и быта.
А.Манджос является первым в мире эмальером- мозаичистом, неоднократно награждённый различными орденами, почетными грамотами и дипломами, а также номинированным на мировые рекорды в области декоративно- прикладного искусства, и автором проекта создания «ЭМАЛЕВОЙ КОМНАТЫ».

Слайд 3«Мозаика Манджоса» - это «Визитка России»
в медально-монетном деле.

В 2010

году Московский монетный двор ГОЗНАКА и Андрей Манджос заключили
многолетний эксклюзивный договор о сотрудничестве, а затем в 2011 г. запатентовали
на международной арене новое направление в медально-монетном деле, а именно
изготовление медалей, знаков и монет, впервые в ручную инкрустированных мозаикой,
подтвердив статус России на мировом рынке, как передовой страны, использующей
новейшие инновационные технологии при создании необычной коллекционной
медально-монетной продукции.

В 2012 году на 3-й Европейской конференции и выставке монет «COINS-2012»
Московский монетный двор официально объявил в своем докладе, что «Мозаика
Манджоса» отныне является «визиткой» России в медально-монетном деле и
она предлагается для изготовления Олимпийских Медалей для Игр в Сочи.

«Мозаика Манджоса» - это проект
«Большой Георгиевский Крест»
и проект «ГЛОБУС ПАМЯТИ и СКОРБИ» в честь
70.140.000 погибших во всех странах во время Второй Мировой
войны, где впервые мемориально-художественное произведение
наглядно показывает итоги войны в сравнении военные потери
стран-участниц и наиболее ярко подтверждает принцип о
«не допущении их пересмотра!

Слайд 4В КОЛЛЕКЦИИ: имеются различные мозаичные картины, панно, портреты, в т.ч. самая

большая в мире эмалевая мозаика «Город на Неве, мозаичное путешествие по Санкт-Петербургу», созданное к 300 – летию Северной столицы из 18.421 фрагмента, каждый из которых обжигался как отдельное ювелирное изделие (мировой рекорд), а также единственный мозаичный портрет М.В.Ломоносова – основателя мозаичного дела в России.

Слайд 5В КОЛЛЕКЦИИ: имеются единственные в мире образцы мозаичной из эмали одежды,

обуви и аксессуаров; первая в мире «танцующая»- двигающаяся мозаика в ювелирных украшениях,
«Мозаичные парсуны Манджоса» , входят различные мозаичные
скульптуры и предметы, серия единственных
в мире мозаичных пасхальных яиц из эмали –
«то, что не смог сделать знаменитый К.Фаберже», единственные в мире мозаичные распятия из эмали, первый в мире настоящий мозаичный церковный колокол, первые мозаичные оклады икон и книг из эмали , единственные в мире образцы мебели из мозаичной эмали, первый в мире микроминиатюрный эмалевый фрагмент - «Молекула Фаберже», новейшее открытие в мозаике - «современная античность», первая и единственная в мире мозаика на бумажной гравюре, образцы первой в мире витражной мозаики, впервые мозаичная минималистика и т.д. и т.п. ...!


Слайд 6В КОЛЛЕКЦИИ: впервые образцы изделий из фарфора, впервые в мире инкрустированных

мозаикой - новая линия высокохудожественных представительских подарков, созданная в технике нового национального вида искусства.

Впервые резьба с мозаикой, шерсть с мозаикой и мозаика с настенной росписью!

Слайд 7 Отзывы о творчестве Андрея Манджоса.

«Произведения Андрея Манджоса произвели на

меня большое впечатление,
так как каждое из них имеет свою неповторимую живописную выразительность.
Поражают тонкая художественная работа и богатая цветовая палитра.
Большим достижением мастера стало формирование нового направления,
в котором органично соединились ювелирное, монументальное и декоративно-прикладное искусство, а российские традиции работы с эмалью заиграли
новыми красками. Андрей Львович Манджос награжден почетной грамотой за исторический вклад в отечественную и мировую культуру, изобретение нового вида искусства: "Мозаика из горячей эмали" и его показ 5-26 февраля 2007 года в Администрации Президента Российской Федерации».
Советник Президента РФ по культуре Ю.К.Лаптев

100-%-й зрительский успех
у звёзд и публики...

“...В две оценочные категории - национальное достояние и живое культурное наследие - полностью вписывается художник эмальер- мозаичист Андрей Манджос. И круг тех людей, которые это понимают и осознают, будет все больше расширяться подобно тому, как в начале XX века деятельность двух ведущих ювелиров - Овчинникова и Фаберже - была осознана русским обществом, как национальная гордость, как явление всероссийского масштаба. Также и творчество Андрея Манджоса с полным правом может восприниматься нами, как уровень национального достояния современной культуры».
Эксперт Минкультуры РФ, ак-к Академии искусствоведения, чл.Брит.Королевского общества историков ювелирного искусства, зав. отделом металла и камня Всеросс.музея декоративно-прикладного и народного искусства, засл.раб. культуры А.А. Гилодо

Слайд 8Некоторые ОТЗЫВЫ иностранных художников, полученные по интернету только за период март-апрель

2007 года:
WOW, fine artwork! ….. Your art is striking and soulful.......wonderful! Welcome and i shall be back to see more.......... Excellent art, I'm impressed! Best, Matte. … Wow they must have taken for ever to create!!! …. Hi! I am impressed! very fantastic artwork! all the best . Dakini… Your work is superb! I really enjoy your mosaics and your self portrait is awesome. Steve….. How intresting !!!! Very different and impressive work. My favorite is 'The hippopotamus‘….. Absolutely incredible and amazing, a dear friend from years ago did mosaics i admire the art for very much, all the best you are incredible creator….. "The leopard"...wow !!!!!!such a beauty!!.... I love your Bull Finches, Nudes, landscapes, actually everything. Best wishes, YSR….. Stunning mosaics - clever stuff! your work is just amazing, man!!!... Hello,welcome .Your mosaics are fascinating.. Eds…. Your work is just exquisite. I love it!... Nice mosaics, looking forward in seeing more. You must have patience of a saint. I could never do that type of work, my attention span isn't that long… WOW! Stunning intricate works :o)… It's hard for me to prefer one of your pieces over the others. They are all masterfully done. For my own collection I would choose "Aromas of Love" as I like the figurative genre myself. THank you for sharing. Robbie. … Tears of Baltic. Definitely and unquestionably. Great work, Enamel!! … Wonderful work! Your work is really great. You have alot of talent!... You´ve really chosen the hard way of doing art - enamel. Words are not enough to say how good art you do. Artists as great as you, can be "developed" only in Russia. The humor of Moscow "taking over" Paris and New York - is it Putin´s strategy? Do we need to be afraid? … STUNNING! Your work is just incredible! It was an amazing adventure going through your gallery! The 3-d pieces are simply breathtaking! All of your works are candy for the eys - What wonderful pieces - look forward to seeing more. Best ~ Bonnie G. Morrow … Some excellent and interesting pieces of work here Andrey, well done!!... Thank you for inviting me to your wonderful gallery. Your mosaics are stunning, I like the vibrant colours and the sense of detail in each piece. Especially the portraits. And I like the Antonio Banderas mosaic creation! 'The Unknown Soldier' is my favourite piece. .. Very interesting work of mosaic.... Welcome to the art jungle maestro, greetings Hendrick…. wonderful mosaics!!! beautiful work!!!... I like your work very much....Fantastic!Wish you the best succes!!!!... I LOVE YOUR WORK...YOU ARE VERY TALENTED...YOU HAVE QUITE THE EYE WITH COLOR..ITS INSPIRATIONAL....YOUR THE TYPE OF ARTIST I WOULD LOVE TO WORK WITH SIDE BY SIDE IN THE STUDIO...YOUR WORK IS ON ITS OWN LEVEL...KEEP UP THE WORK...HAHA...I BET YOU FEEL SO GOOD AFTER READING THIS COMMENT... "New York - the Big Apple" is my favorite. What you do is not easy but has quite a potential for real art-making as you paintakingly control and resize the brass strips covered with multicolored enamel incorporated with your artwork. I await more of your originals coming directly from your intuitive and creative mind, tnx4sharin' ~~~>:) Glenn… of course! i absolutely love your work, it's marvelous and powerful!... Exquisite artwork! I doubt I've ever seen better mosaics by a living artist. I was also a Police officer, but never once painted while in the force (12 years). It is good to express oneself now in art. Regards, Leon… Your works BLOW me AWAY ,thank you for the invite… I'm pleased that you asked for a comment of your work. It is outstanding, of exceptional and highest caliber. You are one of the most brilliant artist on this site. As I study "Mosaic travel over St. Petersburg", my mind is blown away. All of the forethought, design details and labor. The assimilation and contrast of enamels to get the correct color balance. All of the surrealism, The sky is full of prophecy and 2nd coming. You are a master my friend and your work will outlive us both… Oh wow, it's been some time since I last saw mosaic work of this level- great works! :) ~Julia… INCREDIBLE!!!!!!! Truly amazing mosaics. Your work is fantastic… Your work is incredible, Andrey. Wow! May… Hi Andrey, You do very excellent mosaics. Lovely works, keep it up manohar… Wow, what a barin buster! LOVE ALL YOUR WORK, I HAVE SEEN TILE WORK BUT NEVER LIKE THIS, TRULY ORIGINAL AND UNIQUE…. Your artwork is AMAZING. Very cool. Love the Banderas and the Leopard…. Hello Andrey. Your work is amazing, very outstanding unique mosaics, your Hippotomus is wonderful and the Leopard and Birches stunning works of art! Blumoon… Oh my god, these are the best mosaics I have ever seen!! You are seriously talented! Clare … Truly amazing mosaics.. glad to make your aquaintance, Arabarron… Hi love your work very intrigate x Aromas of love is beautiful! It inspires me…. Enamelroom, Amazing mosaics!,Lenka… Hi! I really enjoyed looking through your gallery, your mosaics are fantastic, especially the Leopard one… Hi, your mosaics are exquisite, I especially like your hippo! Really wonderful! Toni… Inspiring work, if I had 11.800 euros I would buy "Tears of Baltic", looks great…. Andrey, your art is stunning! That new technique of yours is awesome. You create incredibly beautiful mosaics!... Very nice work and beuatiful colours…. Andrey, the enamel mosaics are very wonderful and unique, I was interested to see the nudes, as this is one of my favourite subjects. Mary… Wonderful and Oh My what tedious creativity. love the hippo must take you forever to make?... Dear Andrey , think your mosaic-pictures are very beatiful and original. spring-smiles from Mikala Lykke…. These are BEAUTIFUL!!!!! What skills. THanks for the invite!!!!! VeRY VeRY Creative!!!!... Hi Andrey , your mosaic are incredibly creative and beautibul!!! great work!! i wish you the best…. These are incredibly detailed and beautiful to behold. How long does it take to complete a work on average?.... You've very nice and good works. Kobi…. Wow! What talent you have! Your work is brilliant! … Amazing.....beautiful...no comparison.... Iranians mosaicers would envy you.... respect…. Incredibly beautiful and unique artwork!... your work is beautiful!I can really appreciate the time and effort it must take to complete just one work. … Beautiful work! Very impressive. The vision of a mosaic artist is admirable! You are a master of the genre!... hey,, you have really wonderful mosaic work,, I liked Bruce willis too much,, looks very real.... :) …. This is amazing. I love it. Would transparent pieces lighted from behind the work be possible, like stained glass. Bill… ~ Your work is incredible! Wow!!!.... Hello, I loved your enamel pictures, you are very talented, they must have taken you hours and hours of painstaking work. Best wishes, Sue … I will have to start looking for waste tiles and ceramics when I am out around town. I've been thinking about doing something on my bathroom wall so maybe I should start there? I hope you are enjoying your Easter weekend? … Really nice work… Hi there, love your work! The detail is amazing I especially love the "Leopard" and the Hippo. Stunning work…. Extraordinary work! I have ultimate respect for anyone who has the patience and skill to achieve such precision and beauty in your chosen medium. Really great stuff. … Wow your work is beautiful really stunning, love the sculptures amazing stuff, Aromas of love is nice to, also Valtz is great, and so is extremal muse and tears of Baltic, is that amber? it brings a real tangerbal quality to this work, have a nice weekend :) … What clever work!! I knew it was Antonio Banderas before I saw the title. Regards Susan… I think your works are quite fascinating and remind me of Pompeii…. I love your work, it is so detailed--must take you ages to do!!! Diane… Oh my gosh! I love, love LOVE your medium! Excellent themes. The Getty museum here in LA houses some fine pieces of mosaic art, and I am just bowled over by them. I'm so glad this is your chosen medium. Your work is wonderful. … Very beautiful work , looks very complicated and thoughtfull , i am very impress… Very interesting work !! I like your mosaics … Very impressive work… Thank you. I have recently viewed your website and found numerous pieces of excellence not shown on this site. I'am amazed and impressed at the skill and patience of you manipulating such small pieces and creating beautiful objects of color. Congratulations on the patent as well. I look forward to hearing about any upcoming exhibitions. I have reviewed your work and really enjoyed how your mosaic pieces are made and the extra elemnts you add to the specific context. Especially I liked the New York -Big Apple You must have a greeat eye for such small details and your use of color is excellent. Thank you for bringing this work to my attention. Let me know how things are going from time to time, I would appreciate it. Thanks … Wow your art work is stunning. You are bless with talent. Peace & love , Mildred … Amazing mosaic work! I love "Ladybird" and "New York-The Big Apple". Thanks for stopping by! Vickie … Enamelroom, your work is superb. It is so detailed and intricate. I am very impressed. Santimar … Hello Andrey, I have just looked at your enamelling work and I find it to be most excellent. I love your self portrait, it is especially beautiful! I have often thought about trying a mosaic and your art has inspired me to have a go soon. We have had lovely sunny weather here in the UK for the past three days. I've been walking on the beach today. I look forward to seeing your new mosaic xx Please keep in contact, David x … I find your work very unique. Great style. .. Fantastic work, Your mosaics are beautiful Irene… A very creative and unique gallery, "Reading" is my favorite… WOW!!! Your art is amazing and unique. I love it. Thanks for your message and greetings from Spain…. Wow perhaps it is my orthodox catholic background, but I particularly like the icon works. I think you are a very gifted artist to be able to use tiny objects to create mosaics and you must have the patience of a saint! Happy Easter Olga Krause… Absolutely stunning - do you start with a drawing? what is the process? - thanks for sharing… WONDERFUL MOSAIC WORKS.... Could you please refine you query about mosaic??sure i can answer you.sincerely,srinath… Hello Enamel, what a talented artist you are, thanks for sharing… Hi,your work is great . Would love to work with you :) Cheers Hani …. I've looked at your work, and I am amazed by the clarity and detail in your mosaics. You have some very beautiful work…. Your mosiacs are gorgeous!!!so detailed,and warm... I LOVE your work...I would love to do mosaics, can't seem to find the tiles here. They are absoulutely beautiful... HELLO, WELCOME, WHICH BEAMS IS REALLY DIFFICULT AND ARTISTIC. … Nice work with tiles. ..

:) Glenn… of course! i absolutely love your work, it's marvelous and powerful!... Exquisite artwork! I doubt I've ever seen better mosaics by a living artist. I was also a Police officer, but never once painted while in the force (12 years). It is good to express oneself now in art. Regards, Leon… Your works BLOW me AWAY ,thank you for the invite… I'm pleased that you asked for a comment of your work. It is outstanding, of exceptional and highest caliber. You are one of the most brilliant artist on this site. As I study "Mosaic travel over St. Petersburg", my mind is blown away. All of the forethought, design details and labor. The assimilation and contrast of enamels to get the correct color balance. All of the surrealism, The sky is full of prophecy and 2nd coming. You are a master my friend and your work will outlive us both… Oh wow, it's been some time since I last saw mosaic work of this level- great works! :) ~Julia… INCREDIBLE!!!!!!! Truly amazing mosaics. Your work is fantastic… Your work is incredible, Andrey. Wow! May… Hi Andrey, You do very excellent mosaics. Lovely works, keep it up manohar… Wow, what a barin buster! LOVE ALL YOUR WORK, I HAVE SEEN TILE WORK BUT NEVER LIKE THIS, TRULY ORIGINAL AND UNIQUE…. Your artwork is AMAZING. Very cool. Love the Banderas and the Leopard…. Hello Andrey. Your work is amazing, very outstanding unique mosaics, your Hippotomus is wonderful and the Leopard and Birches stunning works of art! Blumoon… Oh my god, these are the best mosaics I have ever seen!! You are seriously talented! Clare … Truly amazing mosaics.. glad to make your aquaintance, Arabarron… Hi love your work very intrigate x Aromas of love is beautiful! It inspires me…. Enamelroom, Amazing mosaics!,Lenka… Hi! I really enjoyed looking through your gallery, your mosaics are fantastic, especially the Leopard one… Hi, your mosaics are exquisite, I especially like your hippo! Really wonderful! Toni… Inspiring work, if I had 11.800 euros I would buy "Tears of Baltic", looks great…. Andrey, your art is stunning! That new technique of yours is awesome. You create incredibly beautiful mosaics!... Very nice work and beuatiful colours…. Andrey, the enamel mosaics are very wonderful and unique, I was interested to see the nudes, as this is one of my favourite subjects. Mary… Wonderful and Oh My what tedious creativity. love the hippo must take you forever to make?... Dear Andrey , think your mosaic-pictures are very beatiful and original. spring-smiles from Mikala Lykke…. These are BEAUTIFUL!!!!! What skills. THanks for the invite!!!!! VeRY VeRY Creative!!!!... Hi Andrey , your mosaic are incredibly creative and beautibul!!! great work!! i wish you the best…. These are incredibly detailed and beautiful to behold. How long does it take to complete a work on average?.... You've very nice and good works. Kobi…. Wow! What talent you have! Your work is brilliant! … Amazing.....beautiful...no comparison.... Iranians mosaicers would envy you.... respect…. Incredibly beautiful and unique artwork!... your work is beautiful!I can really appreciate the time and effort it must take to complete just one work. … Beautiful work! Very impressive. The vision of a mosaic artist is admirable! You are a master of the genre!... hey,, you have really wonderful mosaic work,, I liked Bruce willis too much,, looks very real.... :) …. This is amazing. I love it. Would transparent pieces lighted from behind the work be possible, like stained glass. Bill… ~ Your work is incredible! Wow!!!.... Hello, I loved your enamel pictures, you are very talented, they must have taken you hours and hours of painstaking work. Best wishes, Sue … I will have to start looking for waste tiles and ceramics when I am out around town. I've been thinking about doing something on my bathroom wall so maybe I should start there? I hope you are enjoying your Easter weekend? … Really nice work… Hi there, love your work! The detail is amazing I especially love the "Leopard" and the Hippo. Stunning work…. Extraordinary work! I have ultimate respect for anyone who has the patience and skill to achieve such precision and beauty in your chosen medium. Really great stuff. … Wow your work is beautiful really stunning, love the sculptures amazing stuff, Aromas of love is nice to, also Valtz is great, and so is extremal muse and tears of Baltic, is that amber? it brings a real tangerbal quality to this work, have a nice weekend :) … What clever work!! I knew it was Antonio Banderas before I saw the title. Regards Susan… I think your works are quite fascinating and remind me of Pompeii…. I love your work, it is so detailed--must take you ages to do!!! Diane… Oh my gosh! I love, love LOVE your medium! Excellent themes. The Getty museum here in LA houses some fine pieces of mosaic art, and I am just bowled over by them. I'm so glad this is your chosen medium. Your work is wonderful. … Very beautiful work , looks very complicated and thoughtfull , i am very impress… Very interesting work !! I like your mosaics … Very impressive work… Thank you. I have recently viewed your website and found numerous pieces of excellence not shown on this site. I'am amazed and impressed at the skill and patience of you manipulating such small pieces and creating beautiful objects of color. Congratulations on the patent as well. I look forward to hearing about any upcoming exhibitions. I have reviewed your work and really enjoyed how your mosaic pieces are made and the extra elemnts you add to the specific context. Especially I liked the New York -Big Apple You must have a greeat eye for such small details and your use of color is excellent. Thank you for bringing this work to my attention. Let me know how things are going from time to time, I would appreciate it. Thanks … Wow your art work is stunning. You are bless with talent. Peace & love , Mildred … Amazing mosaic work! I love "Ladybird" and "New York-The Big Apple". Thanks for stopping by! Vickie … Enamelroom, your work is superb. It is so detailed and intricate. I am very impressed. Santimar … Hello Andrey, I have just looked at your enamelling work and I find it to be most excellent. I love your self portrait, it is especially beautiful! I have often thought about trying a mosaic and your art has inspired me to have a go soon. We have had lovely sunny weather here in the UK for the past three days. I've been walking on the beach today. I look forward to seeing your new mosaic xx Please keep in contact, David x … I find your work very unique. Great style. .. Fantastic work, Your mosaics are beautiful Irene… A very creative and unique gallery, "Reading" is my favorite… WOW!!! Your art is amazing and unique. I love it. Thanks for your message and greetings from Spain…. Wow perhaps it is my orthodox catholic background, but I particularly like the icon works. I think you are a very gifted artist to be able to use tiny objects to create mosaics and you must have the patience of a saint! Happy Easter Olga Krause… Absolutely stunning - do you start with a drawing? what is the process? - thanks for sharing… WONDERFUL MOSAIC WORKS.... Could you please refine you query about mosaic??sure i can answer you.sincerely,srinath… Hello Enamel, what a talented artist you are, thanks for sharing… Hi,your work is great . Would love to work with you :) Cheers Hani …. I've looked at your work, and I am amazed by the clarity and detail in your mosaics. You have some very beautiful work…. Your mosiacs are gorgeous!!!so detailed,and warm... I LOVE your work...I would love to do mosaics, can't seem to find the tiles here. They are absoulutely beautiful... HELLO, WELCOME, WHICH BEAMS IS REALLY DIFFICULT AND ARTISTIC. … Nice work with tiles. .. ">

Слайд 9Представительства Эмалевой мозаики Андрея Манджоса:

Санкт-Петербург (Россия)

Шанхай (Китай)
Кишинев (Молдова)
Кривой Рог (Украина)
Сорренто (Италия)

Малага (Испания)
Токио (Япония)
Хургада (Египет)
Лондон (Великобритания)
Алматы (Казахстан)
Дубаи (ОАЭ)
Хельсинки (Финляндия)
Баден-Баден (Германия)
Таллин (Эстония)

Для примера, представляется:

Ирина Рюмшина (Сорренто) и ее российско-итальянский проект “LA RIVOLUZIONE   DEL MOSAICO  IN SMALTO” Mosaico di Andrey Manjos

Владелец в Associazione "Shedrin" - Sorrento- Italy
организация культурных мероприятий, концерты, выставки, корпоративы, туристический бизнес
итальянский (свободно)

Irina Rioumchina    
+39 3388325073   
@:  irioumchina@gmail.com   
Skype: irioumchina

Мозаичные сокровища «Эмалевой комнаты»!
Новая художественная технология!
Это не камни, не бисер, не смальта!
Эмалевая мозаика Манджоса!
Мозаичная революция в эмали!
Прорыв в искусстве!
Шанс увидеть «то, что не смог сделать K.Фаберже»!
Культурное достояние человечества!
Классика будущего!
Самая дорогая современная мозаика!
Новый вид искусства в подарок!
Проект «Эмалевая комната»!
Первые мозаичные медали и монеты!
Дорого, престижно, изысканно!
Мозаика XXI века!
Не имеет аналога в истории мировой культуры!
Патент на искусство!
Мозаика Ломоносова + эмаль Фаберже = Эмалевая мозаика Манджоса!

Слайд 10 Уважаемые друзья!

1. Главной целью своей жизни

я считаю создание музея
«Эмалевая Комната»,
который будут посещать, я уверен, многие тысячи, миллионы россиян
и гостей нашей страны. Место же и финансирование такого музея пока ещё не определено, но, я надеюсь, что скоро найдутся те, кто захочет поддержать этот необыкновенный проект в Истории человеческой культуры и он станет одной из главных достопримечательностей Подмосковья и его новым уникальным туристическим брендом.

2.Сейчас же очень необходима поддержка для размещения на постоянной основе уже имеющейся музейной коллекции «Сокровища Эмалевой Комнаты». Для этого нужно только воля, достойное и
удобное для туристов помещение, а также необходимое оснащение и оборудование.

3.Пока же можно также сотрудничать по продвижению этого нового вида искусства, нашего нового национального достояния, проводить выставки, показы, презентации, выпускать просветительские издания
о нём, а также поддерживать процесс расширения
его коллекции.

Я буду рад познакомить всех со своим
творчеством и уверен, что оно не оставит
никого равнодушным.

Спасибо за внимание!
Эмальер-мозаичист Андрей Львович Манджос

www.mosaics-mandjos.ru Copyright © 2001,2011. All rights reserved.

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