Tips for A Healthy Life презентация

Water is essential for human health; over 60% of the human body consists of water, and the effects of dehydration can be life threatening. Although there is considerable disagreement among scientists

Слайд 1Tips for A Healthy Life

Слайд 2Water is essential for human health; over 60% of the human

body consists of water, and the effects of dehydration can be life threatening. Although there is considerable disagreement among scientists as to the exact amount of water individuals should consume each day

Drink a Glass of Water in the Morning

Слайд 3Lack of sleep makes you feel tired and angry, you can’t

concentrate your attention. Lack of sleep can damage your physical health as well . Some studies have shown that 8 hours of sleep per 24-hour period is the average requirement for adults.

Sleep Enough

Слайд 4Do some stretch exercise is helpful for us to recharge our

body and start a new excting day.

Stretch in the Morning!

Слайд 5As most of us know, breakfast is much more important than

lunch and super. We need to eat breakfast everyday if you want to keep your body healthy.

Eat A Great Breakfast!

Слайд 6Walk has many benefits to our body. It helps to balance

our breathe, blood pressure, and make us happy and relax. So why not add walk to our daily routine!

Take a Daily Walk

Слайд 7Many studies and researches have confirmed that the lonely people have

a higher risk of get disease. And the simple sitution in this term is try to find some friends, and try to be one of a team. It is simple but very helpful.

Make Social Connections.

Слайд 8Be active is a great way to promote your healthy situation.

Try to find something you really like and enjoy the time with them.

Be active and Love Your Life!

Слайд 9Do you know all these are unhealhty food? Maybe you are

just eating them now! If you want to be healthier, try to abandon them!

Avoid Unhealthy Food

Слайд 10Maintain weight Reduce high blood pressure Reduce arthritis pain and associated disability Reduce risk

for osteoporosis and falls

Doing Yoga

Thanks For Watching!

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