How-To Guide: Putting Rhinestones on Your Clothes презентация

Ever Wondered How To Get the Look? Have you ever noticed clothing embellished with rhinestones? Though the look of customized clothing may seem expensive, rhinestones easily can be applied to

Слайд 1How-To Guide: Putting Rhinestones on Your Clothes


Слайд 2Ever Wondered How To Get the Look?
Have you ever noticed clothing

embellished with rhinestones?
Though the look of customized clothing may seem expensive, rhinestones easily can be applied to the clothes you already have – giving you a fresh new look without breaking your budget.
Here, Rhinestone Shop will walk you through three different processes for applying flatback, hot fix, and iron-on rhinestones to your clothing.

Слайд 3Flatback Rhinestones

Слайд 4Flatback Rhinestones: Step 1 - Test Glue
Place a small drop of glue

on scrap fabric or a hidden seam in your clothing.
Push a rhinestone into the glue, making sure there is just enough glue to slightly raise around the edges of the rhinestone.
Let the rhinestone dry.
After 24 hours, see if the stone is secure. If so, proceed with this glue. If not, find a stronger variety.

Look for glue that’s:

- Non-flammable
- Flexible
- Waterproof

Слайд 5Flatback Rhinestones: Step 2 – Create Design
Use a fabric pencil to sketch

out a design directly on your clothing.
Apply the rhinestones according to your pattern.
Lay down glue in 60 second increments, setting down as many stones as possible during this time. This prevents the glue from drying too quickly.

Слайд 6Flatback Rhinestones: Step 3 – Set and Finish
Lay your clothing out flat

and allow the stones to dry for 24 hours.
After seven days, you may wash your clothing by hand in cool water.
Make sure to air dry your garment.

Слайд 7Hot Fix Rhinestones

Слайд 8Hot Fix Rhinestones: Step 1 – Create Design
Create design on fabric with

a fabric pencil, just as you did with the flatback rhinestones.

Слайд 9Hot Fix Rhinestones: Step 2 – Use Heat Gun
Plug in the heat

gun and wait for it to warm up (see heat gun instructions for time to heat).
Lay the tip of the gun on the top of a stone, waiting several seconds to activate the glue.

Слайд 10Hot Fix Rhinestones: Step 3 – Cool and Finish
Similar with flatback rhinestones,

you should dry your garment flat for at least 24 hours before wearing it.
To prevent losing stones, wait one week before washing your clothes, and make sure to hand wash in cool water.
Air dry your garment.

Слайд 11Iron-On Rhinestones

Слайд 12Iron-On Rhinestones: Step 1 – Lay Out Design
Select your iron-on appliqué of

Choose where you’ll place it on your clothing. Once it’s ironed on, you can’t change your mind!
Remove the white backing, placing the appliqué sticky side down on your clothing.
Ensure the appliqué is placed smoothly and securely on the fabric.

Слайд 13Iron-On Rhinestones: Step 2 – Prepare Iron
Check that there is no water

in your iron before plugging it in.
Place your iron on a medium-heat setting with the steam setting off.

Слайд 14Iron-On Rhinestones: Step 3 – Iron
Open a pillowcase over the clothing and

appliqué, ensuring just one side of the cotton is covering.
Lay the iron onto the pillowcase, pressing down for 30 seconds.
Flip your clothing the opposite way and hold the iron down onto the backside of the fabric for around 20 seconds.
Return your clothing to the correct side, place the pillowcase back over your stones, and iron for an additional 20 seconds.
Allow your garment to cool for several minutes.

Слайд 15
Iron-On Rhinestones: Step 4 – Peel
With steady caution, peel the plastic off

your appliqué.

If you notice any stones remaining on the plastic…
Lay the plastic back down
Cover the stones with your pillowcase
Iron for 20-30 seconds
After several minutes, try to peel away the plastic
Repeat this process as needed

Слайд 16Iron-On Rhinestones: Step 5 – Cool and Finish
Allow your clothing to fully

cool (about 10 minutes) before wearing.
Wait at least one day before washing your garment, using the gentle cycle on your dryer.
If rhinestones eventually fall off, use glue for a quick fix.

Слайд 17Conclusion
Customizing your clothing with rhinestones is fun, easy, and affordable.
Whether you

choose flatback, hot fix, or iron-on rhinestones, you can make one-of-a-kind designs on old or new clothing.
Rhinestone Shop offers a variety of rhinestones to bring a whole new level of shine to your wardrobe.

For one of the largest selections of flatback and hot

fix rhinestones, visit Rhinestone Shop today or contact us for more information:

Phone: 602-795-7855

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