Helen Bevan презентация

The story Framing the future in the past and present story Five transformational forces that are changing the world Five ways to thrive and survive in the new world The future

Слайд 1Helen Bevan
Chief Transformation
Horizons Group
@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1
10 April 2014

Слайд 2The story
Framing the future in the past and present story
Five transformational

forces that are changing the world
Five ways to thrive and survive in the new world
The future story

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 3

Time present and time past
Are both perhaps present in time

And time future contained in time past.
T. S. Eliot, Four Quartets 1936

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 4

What was once……
A digital story for our time

#Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 5

Here between the hither and the farther shore While time is withdrawn,

consider the future And the past with an equal mind
T.S Eliot, The Dry Salvages (1941)

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 6...to the person next to you
@@HelenBevan #Quality2014
Tell one

of your own stories about change

How does your past experience impact on your view of the future?

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Change is happening at

a faster rate

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

is becoming more disruptive

Source of image: nasu-dengaku.livejournal.com

Слайд 82. New digital tools enable us to be in almost constant

contact with almost everyone in the world

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014


@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 93. The increasingly complexity of the work environment is eroding hierarchical

management structures/styles

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014


@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 104. Work is changing: Complex work is getting more complex The pace of

creative work is accelerating

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014


Слайд 115. Creative processes are moving to the edges of our organisations

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014


@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 12Whilst back in the world of health and care...
Many of the

ways we go about improving health and care were designed in a different mindset for a different set of circumstances

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 13Some warnings
The organizations that survive the future will be those that

are capable of changing as fast as change itself
Gary Hamel

If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the change on the inside, the end is near Jack Welch

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 14In the near future, the edges will be where almost all

high-value work will be done in organizations……. Organizational development and change management need to move to the edges, and quickly.
Harold Jarche (2014)

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

Moving to the edge

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 15Source: @HelenBevan
@@HelenBevan #Quality2014
Leading from the edge

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 165 ways to lead from the edge - and thrive
Embrace disruption

Build bridges to connect the disconnected
Roll with resistance
It starts with me

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 175 ways to lead from the edge - and thrive
Embrace disruption

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1



Source of image: nsight2success.com

Слайд 18Hierarchy alone won’t deliver the changes
We won’t create big change through

hierarchy on its own
We need hierarchy AND network
MANY change agents, not just the usual few
Changing our mindset
From “have to” to “want to”
Head and heart, not just head

Source of image:

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

Changing our mindset
From “have to” to “want to”
Head and heart, not just head

John Kotter: Accelerate!

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 19 is the new normal!
“By questioning existing ideas, by opening new

fields for action, change agents actually help organisations survive and adapt to the 21st Century.”
Céline Schillinger

Image by neilperkin.typepad.com

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 20

Across the world, the change
Is exploding!

Слайд 21Valuing radicals
@@HelenBevan #Quality2014
Huxley, defending Darwin’s theory of natural


“New truths begin as heresies”

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 22Rock the boat, but stay in it!
Walk the fine line between

difference and fit, inside and outside

Source: Debra Meyerson

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

Able to challenge the status quo when we see that there could be a better way

Capable of working with others to create success NOT a destructive troublemaker

Conform AND rebel

We need



@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 23Rebel or troublemaker?
@@HelenBevan #Quality2014
Source : Lois Kelly www.rebelsatwork.com

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 24Discussion
Are you are a rebel or a troublemaker?
What moves people from

being “radical” to “troublemaker”?
How do we prevent people falling out of the boat?

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 25Probably the largest simultaneous improvement initiative in the history of healthcare

disruptive case study

@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 26
to create a mass movement of grass roots NHS staff and

people who work with and use the NHS to pledge a simple act that can contribute to better patient care

Слайд 27It started with a tweet in June 2012!
Young clinical leaders and

improvement leaders started to talk about how they could improve care

Damian Roland
Stuart Sutton
Helen Bevan

@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 28Probably the only winner of a global challenge to develop leaders

in the corporate world that names Saul Alinsky and Marshall Ganz as major influencers

@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 29NHS Change Day: vital statistics
Nearly 750,000 pledges to take action
81 separate

86 million twitter impressions
35,400 video views on YouTube and Vimeo
95,000 daily reach on Facebook

@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 31Insert Change Day film

Слайд 32Evaluating NHS Change Day
We’re evaluating intention (pledging), initiation (doing) and their

outcomes (delivering)
We’re developing and testing new methods to show impact
We want to build new theory of large scale change

@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 33Change Day is spreading…….
N Ireland
Saudi Arabia
Finland…….and many more
@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 345 ways to lead from the edge - and thrive
2. Curate


@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Source of image: John Curran designedforlearning.co.uk

Слайд 35
Finding things out and determining what’s valid from what’s just noise


about identifying networks and communities and seeing where the nodes and amplifiers sit

…It’s about quality and coherence, not volume and mass

Julian Stodd

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 36Because there’s a problem….
Source of quote: Harold Jarche
Source of image:http://gotcll.com/about-2/

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 37A big challenge for improvement leaders
Tacit knowledge is where the action

It’s the people with tacit knowledge who deliver the results
Tacit knowledge is critical for large scale change

The only way tacit knowledge can be broadly shared…
…is to turn it into explicit knowledge
VERY difficult
Few organisations succeed
Gray D (2012) The Connected Company

Source: Harold Jarche

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 38Tacit knowledge...
“...is best developed through conversations and social relationships”
Source of image:


Harold Jarche

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 39Curating knowledge from the edge
@@HelenBevan #Quality2014
Finding things out

and keeping up to date
“pulling” information, but also having it “pushed” to us by trusted sources
Making sense and meaning of information
Reflecting and putting into practice what we have learned
Plugging information into our own mental models and turning it into knowledge
Connecting and collaborating
Sharing complex knowledge with our own work teams
Testing new ideas with our own networks
Increasing connections through social networks

Source: Harold Jarche

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 405 ways to lead from the edge - and thrive
3. Build bridges

to connect the disconnected

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 41The Network Secrets of Great Change Agents
As a change agent, my

centrality in the informal network is more important than my position in the formal hierarchy

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

If you want to create small scale change, work through a cohesive network
If you want to create big change, create bridge networks between disconnected groups

Julie Battilana &Tiziana Casciaro

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 425 ways to lead from the edge - and thrive

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 43Diagnostic and dialogic approaches to “resistance to change”

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 44Resistance: a diagnostic approach
Change is something that happens “out there” in

the organisation or system
Resistance is a force to overcome
Resistance prevents change
Change agents must diagnose, manage and/or overcome resistance
Resisters otherwise known as “laggards”, “blockers”, “in denial”

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 45Much of the resistance literature is “diagnostic”

Слайд 46Diagnostic: the role of the change agent
“The role of the change

agent is to recognise the causes of resistance and address each one. If this is not done, then the change will be much harder to implement successfully and may not succeed at all”
David Stonehouse 

The change agent: the manager’s role in change British Journal of Healthcare Management, Vol. 19, Iss. 9, 09 Sep 2013, pp 443 - 445

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 47Resistance: a dialogic approach
People make their own reality
Change results from transformational

involving more and different people in change discussions
altering how and which people engage with each other
by stimulating different perspectives to shape how people think about things
Resistance is an inevitable consequence of a complex change process (based on diversity)
Resistance should be embraced and worked with

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 48Dialogic: the role of the change agent
Create the conditions for transformational

conversations by asking questions that are focussed on future possibilities, by inviting diversity into the system, and by being welcoming
Creat­e opportunities for everyone to express their views, spot opportunities and build on each other’s ideas
Create ways for people to reflect together to find meaning, understanding and shared purpose in the change

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

Source: Peggy Holman

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 49“The most basic not-so-secret formula for building an innovation culture is

pretty simple - embrace diversity and start to attract, retain and promote a diverse workforce that looks differently, works differently, dress differently, speaks differently and is inclusive of the full spectrum of human sexual orientation and gender identities.”

Source of image: idsgn.org

Diversity: critical to innovation

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

“Do this before you start hiring consultants and rethinking your innovation process; there is no process that works without true diversity.”
Idris Moore

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 505 ways to lead from the edge - and thrive
5. It starts

with me

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 51Source of image: fistfuloftalent.com
‘I do not think you can really

deal with change without a person asking real questions about who they are and how they belong in the world’
David Whyte, The Heart Aroused (1994)

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 52Transformational Change Agent: Peter Fuda
Skills and methods for creating change
Ability to

make sense of, and reshape perceptions of ‘reality’

Personal characteristics and qualities

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 53Peter Fuda’s framework: my perspective
Where most change agents in health and

care put most of their effort and emphasis
What others typically judge us on
What we often perceive we need to do to add value
What most change and improvement training focuses on

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 54Peter Fuda’s framework: my perspective
“Seeing ” and “Being”
We can only do

effective “doing” if we build on strong foundations of “seeing and being”
Change begins with me
Hopeful futures, creative opportunities and potential
Multiple lenses for change
See myself in the context of my higher purpose

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 55A case study in “it starts with me”: The School for Health

and Care Radicals

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 56

Source: @NHSChangeDay
@@HelenBevan #Quality2014
Can I, dare I?

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 57The School for Health and Care Radicals
A virtual school
Anyone can join

weeks of virtual lectures, study guides, materials, tweetchats
Set up with three weeks notice
Demonstrate learning to get a virtual badge

Слайд 58
The School for Health and Care Radicals
More than 1,500 enrollees from

27 countries
Around 150 people will complete full certification
90 volunteer mentors
Average weekly twitter reach 2.6 million
Over 10,000 shares of the slides on SlideShare
More than 2,000 shares of the study guides
More than 5,000 tweets using #SCHRchat
Storify has been viewed 1,000 times

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

Слайд 60We learnt...
There is a massive untapped reservoir of energy and talent

out there and the potential is outstanding
The core audience is different to that which we anticipated
The most important need is for connection and community
How to build the relationship between tacit and explicit knowledge
It’s early days but this is an efficient, high leverage way to build capability for motivated individuals

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

Слайд 615 ways to lead from the edge - and thrive
Embrace disruption

a curator of knowledge
Bridge bridges to connect the disconnected
Roll with resistance
It starts with me

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 62 @@HelenBevan #Quality2014

What might be… a digital story for

the future

It’s 2020…

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

Слайд 63A call to action
Identify your own opportunities to move to the

Think about the mindset, skills and relationships you need for the future
Start changing at a faster rate of than the outside world

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014

Слайд 64References
@@HelenBevan #Quality2014
Bevan H, Plsek P, Winstanley (2011) Leading

Large Scale Change - Part 1, A Practical Guide
Bevan H (2011) Leading Large Scale Change - Part 2, The Postscript
Change Agents Worldwide (2013) Moving forward with social collaboration SlideShare
Diaz-Uda A, Medina C, Schill E (2013) Diversity’s new frontier
Feitler D (2014) The case for team diversity gets even better
Fuda P (2012) 15 qualities of a transformational change agent
Gray D (2012) The Connected Company
Hamel G (2014) The busting bureaucracy hackathon: escaping the management tax
Jarche, H (2013) Rebels on the edges
Jarche H (2014) Moving to the edges
Llopis G (2014) Every leader must be a change agent or face extinction
Meyerson D (2001) Tempered Radicals: how people use differences to inspire change at work Harvard Meyerson D (2008) Rocking the boat: how to effect change without making trouble Harvard BP
Moore I (2013) Diversity is the short cut to building an innovation culture
Schillinger C (2014) Top-Down is a Serious Disease. But It Can Be Treated
Shinners C (2014) New Mindsets for the Workplace Web
Stoddard J (2014)The future of leadership
Williams B (2014) Working Out Loud: When You Do That… I Do This
Weber Shandwick (2014) Employees rising: seizing the opportunity in employee activism
Verjans S (2013) How social media changes the way we work together SlideShare

@@HelenBevan #Quality2014 #f1

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