Wars of England презентация

Слайд 1

Wars of England
Презентацию подготовили ученики 9-а класса Добротин Д. и Фадейкова


Слайд 2Hundred Years' War
 1337 - 1453
War between England and France

Слайд 3Despite initial successes, England never achieved its goal in the war,

and as a result of the war on the continent it had only the port of Kale, which it held until 1558.

Jeanne d'Arc at the siege of Orleans

Слайд 4War of the Roses
 1455 - 1487
War for authority between the two

branches of the Plantagenet dynasty - Lancasters and Yorkes .

Слайд 5The war ended in the victory of Henry Tudor from the

side branch of the Lancaster House, which founded a dynasty that ruled England and Wales for 117 years.

Henry VII

 1457 - 1509

Слайд 6English Civil War
1642 - 1645
Transition in England from absolute monarchy to


Слайд 7The revolution ended in 1645, when Cromwell created the "Army of

a new pattern", which won a decisive victory in the battle of Naseby.

Cromwell’s "Army of a new pattern"

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