The history of Wales презентация

Слайд 2

Слайд 3The flag of Wales

Слайд 4It is patron saint is St. David

Слайд 5The Symbols of Wales

Слайд 6The History of Wales.

Слайд 7Llywelyn the Great
The Welsh king, Llywelyn the Great, tried to unite

his people against the English.
His grandson, Llywelyn the Last, was finally defeated in 1282

Слайд 8Dolwyddelan

Слайд 9Harlech

Слайд 10Caernarfon
The English built great castles at Harlech and Caernarfon to protect

themselves from attacts from the west.

Слайд 11The Investiture of Prince of Wales
The Investiture of Prince of Wales

is the ceremony making the formal creation of the title of Prince of wales, similar to a coronation.

Слайд 12National Assemby of Wales

Слайд 13Cardiff
Cardiff is an industrial city, which also has a castle,

a cathedral, a university. It is the capital of Wales and its main port.

Слайд 14Swansea

Слайд 15

Mount Snowdon

Wales has high mountains, including Mount Snowdon, the second highest mountain in Britain.

Слайд 16The national dress of Wales.

Слайд 17Thank you for attention

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