The English reformation. Henry VIII and his heirs. Lady Jane Grey презентация

THE ENGLISH REFORMATION The English Reformation was a series of events in 16th century England by which the Church of England broke away from the

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The English Reformation was a

series of events in 16th century England by which the Church of England broke away from the authority of the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church. These events were, in part, associated with the wider process of the European Protestant Reformation, a religious and political movement that affected the practice of Christianity across all of Europe during this period. Many factors contributed to the process: the decline of feudalism and the rise of nationalism, the rise of the common law, the invention of the printing press and increased circulation of the Bible, and the transmission of new knowledge and ideas among scholars, the upper and middle classes and readers in general.

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Henry VIII( ruled from 1509 to 1547)

decided to marry a different woman(Anne Boleyn) because his first wife(Catherine of Aragon) had failed to produce a male heir to the throne. However, a divorce was not a simple issue, because the Roman Catholic Church did not allow it. If Henry allowed himself a divorce, the pope could excommunicate him. This meant that under Catholic Church law, your soul could never get to Heaven . To Henry this was a real fear. So in 1533, Henry VIII broke with the church and married the now pregnant Anne Boleyn in a secret ceremony. Thus the English reformation had begun.

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The most wealthy Catholics in

England were the monasteries where monks lived. They were also the most loyal supporters of the pope. This made them a threat to Henry. By the time of Henry, many monks had grown fat and were lazy and all they seemed to do was take money from the poor. Therefore Henry decided to shut down the monasteries of England. He wanted to make the Dissolution (his attack on the monasteries) appear to be backed by law. He sent round government officials to check up on what the monks were doing. This was organized by his chief minister, Thomas Cromwell, who had helped the king to break with Rome. The officials knew what the king wanted in their reports – information that the monks were not working, were not saying their prayers.

Henry VIII's early military

campaigns began when he joined Pope Julius II's Holy League against France in 1511. Wolsey (the King’s chief advisor) proved himself to be an outstanding minister in his organisation of the first French campaign and while the Scots saw this war as an opportunity to invade England, they were defeated at Flodden in 1513. However war with France ultimately proved expensive and unsuccessful.
Henry VIII is known as the 'father of the Royal Navy.' When he became king there were five royal warships. By his death he had built up a navy of around 50 ships. He refitted several vessels with the latest guns including the Mary Rose, which sank in 1545.
Henry also built the first naval dock in Britain at Portsmouth and in 1546 he established the Navy Board. This set up the administrative machinery for the control of the fleet.

Henry VIII had several children.

The best-known are the three legitimate children who succeeded him as monarchs of England – Edward VI, Mary I and Elizabeth I.

Edward VI (ruled from 1547 to 1553) was born on 12 October 1537. Edward became king at the age of nine. His father had arranged that a council of regency should rule on his behalf, but Edward’s uncle, Edward Seymour, Duke of Sommerset, took power and established himself as protector. Him and Thomas Cranmer (the archbishop of Canterbury) wanted to make England a Protestant state. An English Prayer book was issued in 1549 to enforce it.

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In 1549 peasants revolted in protest against the Prayer Book.

Kett’s Rebellion in Norfolk was focused on economic and social injusties. At the same time, the French declared war on England. The Norfolk rebellion was suppressed by John Dudley, Earl of Warwick. Protestant reform was stepped up – the new Prayer Book of 1552 was avowedly Protestant.
It soon became clear that Edward was suffering from tuberculosis and he died on 6 July 1553 (he was 15 years old).

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is remembered in British history as the monarch with the shortest reign…just nine days. She was the great-granddaughter of Henry VII. She was proclaimed Queen after the death of her cousin, the protestant king Edward VI. She was actually fifth in line to the throne, but she was a Protestant and Mary, Henry VIII’s daughter, was next in line and was a Catholic. Edward wanted to keep England firmly Protestant and he knew that Mary would take England back into the Catholic faith. John Dudley(he was like Protector to King Edward VI) persuaded the dying young king to will his crown to Lady Jane Grey. However, the country rose in favour of the direct and true royal line, and the Council proclaimed Mary queen 9 days later. Lady Jane Grey’s advisors were incompetent and as her father was involved in a rebellion, she was viewed as a threat to the crown. Thus she was executed on 12 February 1554.

Слайд 9 MARY I – BLOODY MARY ( 1553 – 1558)


I was the first queen to rule in her own right rather than by being the wife of a reigning king. She ascended to the throne in 1553. She married Phillip II of Spain, who was distrusted, and pressed on with the restoration of Catholicism. She persecuted Protestants, hundreds of whom were burned at the stake (thus earning her the nickname Bloody Mary) . This provoked disillusionment with Mary, which was deepened by an unsuccessful war against France which led to the loss of England’s last possession in France in 1558.
Childless, sick and deserted by Philip, Mary died on 17 November 1558. Her hopes for a Catholic England died with her.

What was the

main reason for the English Reformation?
Why was Lady Jane Grey’s reign so short?
Why was Mary I called “Bloody Mary”?

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