France attractions презентация

FRANCE ATTRACTIONS Evrodisneylend is 32 km from Paris in the town of Marne-La-Valle and attracts the greatest number of visitors. It is the largest in Europe (1943 hectare) amusement Park.

Слайд 1 FRANCE

Evrodisneylend is 32 km from Paris in the town

of Marne-La-Valle and attracts the greatest number of visitors. It is the largest in Europe (1943 hectare) amusement Park. Here every day there are hundreds of attractions .

Слайд 3 LILLE

Lille. Place Charles de Gaulle


Strasbourg, "capital of a United Europe", located on the

border with Germany. The city has absorbed in its appearance the influence of French and German cultures, gaining its strong personality. The historic center of Strasbourg is located on the island (taken under the auspices of UNESCO in 1988), formed by the river Ill and TV. Monumental Gothic Notre Dame Cathedral, the highest Church in Europe (elevation 142 m.). Close to the Orangerie Park stands the symbol of the city - a complex of buildings of the Council of Europe, European court of human rights and Palace of Europe, occupying an area of 220 thousand sq. m.


Avignon. The papal Palace on the banks of the

Rhone. The place of captivity of the popes in the 14th century


Chambord castle, the largest castle

in the Loire. The construction was carried out in 1526-1544 on the orders of king Francis I. In the castle of 440 rooms, 365 fireplaces, stairs 63.

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