Egyptian pyramids презентация

Слайд 1Finished student
Group D-32
Melnik Vyacheslav
Presentation On the topic of " Egyptian pyramids


Слайд 2Among them one of the "seven wonders of the world" -

the pyramid of Cheops, and honorary candidate "New Seven Wonders of the World" - the Pyramids of Giza.

Egyptian pyramids - the greatest architectural monuments of ancient Egypt.

Слайд 3Pyramids are a huge pyramid-shaped stone structures that were used as

tombs for pharaohs of ancient Egypt.

Слайд 4Pyramid of Cheops Great Pyramid of Giza - the largest of

the Egyptian pyramids, the only one of the "Seven Wonders of the World", extant.

Слайд 5The architect of the Great Pyramid is considered Hemion, Vizier and

nephew of Cheops. He also held the title of "Managing all construction projects of the pharaoh." More than three thousand years the pyramid is the tallest building in the world.

Слайд 6That's how they built the pyramids.

Слайд 7There are many hypotheses about the Egyptian pyramid construction techniques. What

is clear is that this technique has changed over time, that is the later pyramids were built differently than earlier.

Слайд 8Today, there is enough information about the location of quarries, which

produces materials for the construction of the pyramids. To work with a relatively soft stone, it is how much of the limestone workers could use copper chisels, drills and saws. However, reliable data on the use of any metal instruments during the Old Kingdom absent.

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