Достопримечательности Вашингтона презентация


1- The White House 2- The Capitol 3- National avenue 4- The Washington Monument 5- Lincoln Memorial 6- Jefferson Memorial 7- Memorial to veterans of the Korean War 8- Monument to

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Достопримечательности Вашингтона

Слайд 21- The White House
2- The Capitol
3- National avenue
4- The Washington Monument

Lincoln Memorial
6- Jefferson Memorial
7- Memorial to veterans of the Korean War
8- Monument to Martin Luther King
9- The Ford Theater
10- Library of Congress
11- Museums and galleries


Слайд 312th Washington Cathedral
13- Basilica of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed

Virgin Mary
14- Supreme Court Building
15- Edgar Hoover Building
16- Pentagon
17- Building of the Smithsonian Institution
18- Pavilion of the old post office
19-Georgetown District
20- Mount Vernon
21- Arlington National Cemetery
22-US Botanical Garden
23-Great Waterfalls of the Potomac
23-Festival of cherry blossom


Слайд 4In appearance, a rather modest white building, in which the administration

of the US President is located. The mansion was built in 1800 with the second American president John Adams.

The White House

Слайд 5 The building of the US Congress, located on the hill

of the same name. It appeared with the White House in 1800.

The Capitol

Слайд 6The street that stretches from the Lincoln Memorial to the Capitol

building. Along the National Alley, the main memorials of Washington are concentrated.

National avenue

Слайд 7A granite obelisk made of white marble, 169 meters high, set

in honor of the founding father of D. Washington. It was built in the middle of the XIX century.

The Washington Monument

Слайд 8The complex is located within the National Mall. It is dedicated

to President Abraham Lincoln. The idea to erect a monument in order to perpetuate the memory of the 16th president, appeared immediately after the death of Lincoln.

Lincoln Memorial

Слайд 9The monument is dedicated to the third US president T. Jefferson,

who is called one of the founding fathers.

Jefferson Memorial

Слайд 10A memorial complex dedicated to the dead and missing soldiers during

the Korean War of 1950-1953.

Memorial to veterans of the Korean War

Слайд 11Martin Luther King is a well-known defender of the rights of

the black population and a fighter for justice and equality, the owner of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Monument to Martin Luther King

Слайд 12The theater where the 16th President of the United States, Abraham

Lincoln, was killed. This happened in 1865, when Lincoln was in his VIP-lodge for viewing the performance.

The Ford Theater

Слайд 13The library is considered one of the most beautiful and large

book collections in the world. It was founded in 1800, when the US capital was moved to Washington.

Library of Congress

Слайд 14Museum of Natural History
The museum, which is operated by the Smithsonian

Institution, where more than 100 million different exhibits are collected.

Museums and galleries

Слайд 15 The museum is of the greatest interest to the guests

of Washington. It was recognized as the most visited museum of the National Mall.

Museum of American History

Слайд 16One of the most interesting museums on the National Alley of

Washington. Real aircrafts, or copies of them in full size, are exhibited here.

Museum of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Слайд 17One of the new museums on the National Mall - the

opening took place in 2004. The expositions are dedicated to the history and culture of the Native American peoples

Museum of American Indians

Слайд 18The museum, which collected works by masters of different art schools

and time periods. Sculptures, paintings, photographs, graphic drawings of both American and European artists are exhibited here.

National Gallery of Art

Слайд 19 A museum dedicated to the history of the emergence and

improvement of the media. By exposure, you can trace the whole evolution - from the first newspapers and radio to the era of high-speed Internet.

Museum of Journalism and News

Слайд 20Quite an interesting place, where some secrets of intelligence and espionage

are discovered. Such a museum is only in the US. The Advisory Council includes former functionaries of the FBI, the CIA and even the Soviet KGB.

International Museum of Espionage

Слайд 21The magnificent Gothic temple, finally completed in the 90's. XX century.


Слайд 22 The largest Catholic church in the United States. The temple

is built in Byzantine style. The interior is done in a rather lavish manner.

Basilica of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Слайд 23The building on Capitol Hill, where the highest judicial body of

the United States is sitting. The palace was built in 1936 by the architect K. Gilbert

Supreme Court Building

Слайд 24A multi-storey and seemingly unremarkable building on Pennsylvania Avenue. Here is

the headquarters of the FBI.

Edgar Hoover Building

Слайд 25A giant structure in the form of a regular pentagon (in

Greek - the Pentagon), where the US Department of Defense is located.


Слайд 26The Smithsonian Institution is one of the main research centers in

the United States. The administration of the organization is located in a picturesque castle of red stone in neoromanskom style.

Building of the Smithsonian Institution

Слайд 27The architectural structure of the late XIX century with elements of

the European neo-Romanesque style, which was used for a short time as a post office.

Pavilion of the old post office

Слайд 28The oldest and most prestigious area of Washington, where among the

greenery are luxurious mansions, there are antique shops and high-class restaurants.

Georgetown District

Слайд 29Generic estate of the first US President George Washington 24 km.

from the capital. This is an impressive farm, surrounded by plantations.

Mount Vernon

Слайд 30Cemetery, where soldiers buried in the Civil War of 1861-1865 are

buried. Over time, this place has become the last refuge for several American presidents.

Arlington National Cemetery

Слайд 31 The garden appeared in 1820 near the Capitol (officially it

was opened only in 1850). On the territory grows 60 thousand plants.

US Botanical Garden

Слайд 32The rapids and waterfalls on the Potomac River are about 22

km away. from Washington. They are considered to be the most important and picturesque natural landmark in the whole district.

Great Waterfalls of the Potomac

Слайд 33The holiday is celebrated annually in late March - early April,

when the Japanese cherry blossoms on the avenues of Washington.

Festival of cherry blossom

Слайд 34https://top10.travel/dostoprimechatelnosti-vashingtona/
Английский для бакалавров Учебное пособие Часть II Авторы-составители:
Л.П. Зарубина,
Г.Ф. Карасева,
Л.В. Козловская,

М.В. Круглова,
Г.Д. Орлова


Слайд 35
Thank you for attention

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