Cathedral of Milan ( Duomo ) презентация

Gothic Cathedral of Milan ( Duomo ) is a grandiose creation of human hands, and one of the attractions of Italy Milan Cathedral is the second largest among all the

Слайд 1Polina Illarionova: Cathedral of Milan ( Duomo )

Слайд 2Gothic Cathedral of Milan ( Duomo ) is a grandiose creation

of human hands, and one of the attractions of Italy

Milan Cathedral is the second largest among all the Catholic churches in the world.

Слайд 3
The highest point of the cathedral - a golden statue of

the Madonna, which is the highest of the spiers of the cathedral

Слайд 4Construction of the cathedral began in 1386

Work on the cathedral lasted

for centuries.

The greater the amount of work was completed in 1880.

Слайд 5
Following the tradition of Gothic, Cathedral of Milan, is decorated with

the endless number of different sculptures. Basically, this is an extremely notable instances. For example, female figures are located in the center of the facade, is considered to be the prototype of the Statue of Liberty in New York.

Слайд 6Thanks for your attention.

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