Any microvehicle doesn’t present any basic entertainment
or control features in comparison to cars, moto, etc.
Seems like it’s hard to get a transfer from bus or train to the bike/scooter/
People aware of using microvehicle in the bad weather conditions
Running or walking pretended to be more healthier and it easy to find fitness tracking app for it
Get warned by Notification on the phone
and by Alarm Signal that making your vehicle
Now you know where to charge in every city
and where is the best to ride!
Have a comfort ride with the free music,
voice assistance and place guides
Get easily connected with your bus or train
by our scheduling system
Our weather advisor will monitor the situation
and tell you if will it better to ride or take a bus
Track you activity, set the personal goals for training,
stay motivated by our achievement system
Alarm System
Special Maps
Voice Assistant
Weather Advisor
Activity Tracker
Sensors (Physical data)
Speed = 18
TurnDegree = 30
Humidity = 706
Collection of Data
Calculation of the Data
BotNet Attack
DDOS Attack
Unsecure Connections
Data Protect
User Verification
Secure connection
Securing the Data
INSERT into Customers
(CustmerName, MileAge, Avg Speed)
VALUES ('Tom', '5.94', '18.343')
Storing the Data
API (Getting schedule of buses)
Requests to transportation services like
(MTA, ÖBB, RMV, etc)
via JS, PHP calls
Getting theData
1 €
0.5 €
10 €
3D printed box
4 €
Hardware 20 €
Company Earning 9 €
Price for Customer 29 €
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