QA processes in MeriVal Proposal of new service from Luxoft Krakow ODC презентация

Agenda “As Is” QA processes overview and ways to improve. Proposed best QA practices. Detailed description of artefacts and “To Be” state The highlights of our presentation

Слайд 1QA processes in MeriVal Proposal of new service from Luxoft Krakow ODC

Last update 24 Oct 2016

Слайд 2Agenda
“As Is” QA processes overview and ways to improve.
Proposed best

QA practices.
Detailed description of artefacts and “To Be” state

The highlights of our presentation

Слайд 3“AS IS” QA processes
Low feedback from Development and BA teams about

collaboration with QA
QA best practices may be recommended
Some defects revealed on a late stage and could bring additional efforts to project

Why there are still some things to improve in QA Processes in MeriVal project?

Because of 3 reasons:

We believe that the service, we could recommend:

Provide Quality Assurance test coverage analysis for business-critical tasks.

Слайд 4“AS IS” QA processes. Low feedback from Development and BA teams.

and Dev team members:

Satisfaction from test time delivery

Feedback representation in graphic view

Слайд 5“AS IS” QA processes. QA best practices may be recommended.
Create workflow

diagram to identify possible flows of tested project
Create Traceability matrix for PPs
Apply test design techniques to optimize efforts for detecting potential defects
Create or Update test cases in accordance with priorities of business requirements
Krakow BA team ready to provide QA analyst service if they will have free analysts. They could be a bridge between BA –QA and Dev-QA teams in same time

Proposed instruments and techniques

Слайд 6“AS IS” QA processes. Defects revealed on a late stage.

process for defects revealed on late stages
1. BA Phase (NO priorities, test coverage -?)
2. QA and Dev Phases (Tests are written as much as possible)
3. UAT phase (Defects detected and discussed with BA/Business)
4. Planning phase (Fixes estimated)
5. BA Phase (Test coverage is good)
6. QA and Dev Phases (Necessary tests implemented)
7. UAT phase (Changes verified and applied)
Results: Time between start working over requirements and correct implementation = 2 Quarters

Will save total efforts spent by the team

TO BE process for defects revealed on late stages
1. BA Phase (Test Prioritized, test coverage well known)
2. QA and Dev Phases (Tests cover all critical scenarios, new QA approach applied )
3. UAT phase (Remarks received and implemented)
Results: Time between start working over requirements and correct implementation = 1 Quarter

Слайд 7“AS IS” QA processes. Defects revealed on a late stage.
Example of

defects statistics (for 20 Sep 2016) for Q3

Around 72% of total defects may be found earlier

Слайд 8Proposed QA practices. QA analyst service in Krakow
Benefits if QA Analysts

will work in the same location with BA and DEV team

Save efforts on communication between teams:
There are no phones in Indian location, no lync audio in Krakow
Same time zone with BA/DEV to conduct a meetings
Less efforts working with documentation
No culture difference between QA Analysts and other team members
Possability to focus BA on detalization of requirements. Responsibilities of QA analysts and BA are partly the same. Some QA Analysts could replace BAs.
Easy to control and avoid any bad practicies (copy paste E2E tests, technical issues)

Слайд 9Proposed best QA practice. Our expectations
Increase Krakow QA Analyst Team with

3 Test Analysts for 6 months
Link them to most critical PP
Gather feedback from all(Management, QA, BA and Dev)
If feedback will be great, leave QA Analyst team on a permanent basis

It will allow to measure test coverage and improve estimation of BA and QA efforts
It will allow on early stages provide test analysis of req
Feedback should show, that our process become more predictable and covers algorithms of critical PP with better QA tests

What could we expect after applying new approach(QA analyst service)?

Слайд 10QA artefacts. Workflow diagram.
Create workflow diagram to identify possible flows

of tested project:

Flow coverage = (Covered flows/all possible flows)*100%


Action 1

Condition 1

Action 3

Action 2

Condition 2

Condition 3


Action 4

Action 5

Action 4

Condition 5

Action 6

Слайд 11QA artefacts. Traceability matrix
It is required to create traceability matrix that

will help to control gaps of testing coverage on each level.
Create/Update E2E/component tests regarding to the priorities of tested requirements.

Слайд 12QA artefacts. Internal Jira defect issues.

From Luxoft DM side


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