Introducing Siebel Applications презентация

Module 1: Introducing Siebel Applications

Слайд 1

Siebel 8.0 Essentials

Слайд 2Module 1: Introducing Siebel Applications

Слайд 3Module Objectives
To understand the term Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

To describe Siebel

CRM and Identify the common entities found in Siebel CRM

Слайд 4Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
"CRM is the business strategy that aims to

understand, anticipate, manage and personalize the needs of an organization's current and potential customers"

Слайд 5Introduction to Siebel Applications
Siebel CRM Applications are available tailored for:
- different types

of customers, partners or employees interaction and channel (Horizontal Applications)
- different types of Industries (Industry Applications)

Industry Applications

Siebel Consumer Sector Siebel Life Sciences
Siebel Energy Siebel Public Sector
Siebel Financial Services Siebel Travel & Transportation

Horizontal Applications

Employee Applications Customer Applications Partner Applications
Siebel Call Center Siebel eSales Siebel Partner Manager
Siebel Service Siebel eService Siebel Partner Portal
Siebel Sales Siebel Orders
Siebel Pricer

Слайд 6Employee Application: Siebel Sales
Siebel Sales application is used by a company’s

employees (Sales Representatives, Sales Managers) to manage Accounts, Contacts, Sales Opportunities and to forecast the revenues.

Siebel Sales Opportunities Screen

Слайд 7Employee Application: Siebel Call Center
Siebel Call Center application is used by

a company`s telesales and service representatives.

Siebel Call Center Service Screen

Слайд 8Customer Application: Siebel eSales
Siebel eSales application is used by customers to

purchase products over the web.
Includes an interactive product catalog, search and product comparison mechanism and online ordering capabilities.

Product catalog

Shopping cart

Слайд 9Partner Application: Siebel Partner Portal
Siebel Partner Portal application is used by

a company`s partners to communicate, collaborate and conduct business with a Web-based interface.

Partner Portal Opportunities screen

Слайд 10Types of Siebel Interfaces (UI)
Siebel UI is rendered in one of

the two modes

High Interactivity Mode
is available for employee applications supporting highly interactive users.
requires Internet Explorer (check documentation for versions)
provides additional functionality (using additional code such as Active X controls)
has drag-and-drop for setting column width
reduces number of page refreshes
has menu bar and tool bars
has implicit save

Standard Interactivity Mode
is available for customer and employee Applications.
behaves like typical HTML based Web Application.
is available on a wide variety of browsers.

Слайд 11Differences between User Interfaces
The following features are supported only by high


Client-side scripting.
with access to Siebel objects on the client side

Interactive controls.
like calculator, calendar date/time selector

Implicit save.
saves the record without having to press the save button

Слайд 12Common Business Entities in Siebel Application
A business entity is something which

is of business interest in the real world

Siebel Application refers to these entities as Business Components
Service Requests

Слайд 13Common Siebel Business Components
Service Requests

Слайд 14Accounts
An account is a business external to your company
Represents a current

or potential client, a business partner or a competitor with whom you do business

Слайд 15Contacts
Contacts are the people with whom you do business
They have the

following characteristics
Job Title
Email Address
Work Phone #, Mobile Phone #, Home Phone #

Слайд 16Opportunities
Opportunities are potential revenue-generating events
They have the following characteristics
Possible Association with

an Account
Potential Revenue
Probability of Completion
Status of Lead
Close Date

Слайд 17Service Requests
Service Requests are requests from customers for information or assistance

with a problem related to products or services purchased from your company
They have the following characteristics
A Status
A Severity Level
A Priority Level
Association with an Account
A Single Owner

Слайд 18Assets
Assets are instances of purchased products
They have the following characteristics
An asset

A product and part number
Status level

Слайд 19Module Highlights
Siebel CRM Applications allow you to manage all points of

Types of Applications:
Industry Applications
Horizontal Applications
Employee Applications – Siebel Call Center, Siebel Sales, etc.
Customer Applications – Siebel eSales, Siebel Partner Portal, etc.
Some of the important Siebel business components are:
Service Requests

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Email: Нажмите что бы посмотреть 

Что такое

Это сайт презентаций, докладов, проектов, шаблонов в формате PowerPoint. Мы помогаем школьникам, студентам, учителям, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться учебными материалами с другими пользователями.

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