Hot UK Mobiles презентация

Homepage Panels master_prod_name master_prod_desc master_prod_thmb Total number of deals available on this Master Product as a result of its child products. Lowest Monthly cost where this Master Product is free

Слайд 1Project Background.

Currently, the Hot UK Mobiles website ( ) lists Mobile

Deals per individual product variant (i.e. Apple iPhone 8 128gb Jet Black) rather than per Product (i.e. Apple iPhone 8).

This project is to move the implementation over to support the master products on the front end.

You’ll need to work on this locally or create a dev environment as the website is live and cannot be disrupted.

This brief affects multiple pages, and the website is based on a highly customised wordpress deployment.

Слайд 2Homepage Panels
Total number of deals available on this Master Product

as a result of its child products.

Lowest Monthly cost where this Master Product is free upfront across all its child products

Links to the Master Product Details / Deals Listing page (Contract Tab)


If there is a link (for example, the thumbnail image) please update it to link through to the same page as the “VIEW DEALS” button.

In other words, all links should be updated to link to the Master Product Details / Deals page.

In terms of setting these master products, use the same functionality, we just use the master_prod_id instead

Слайд 3Mobile Phones Landing 1
Total number of deals across this Master

Product with the lowest monthly cost across the same deals

Links to the Master Product Details / Deals Listing page (Contract Tab)



Keep the same functionality for setting these promo products in the backend CMS.

Слайд 4Mobile Phones Landing 2
Total number of deals available on this

Master Product as a result of its child products.

Lowest Monthly cost where this Master Product is free upfront across all its child products

Links to the Master Product Details / Deals Listing page (Contract Tab)

Слайд 5Product Details / Deals Listing
Total number of deals available on

this Master Product as a result of its child products.

Lowest Monthly cost where this Master Product is free upfront across all its child products

Links to the Master Product Details / Deals Listing page (Contract Tab)


For the PAYG and SIM Free Tabs, use the same logic for pricing..

For example, for PAYG pricing, it would be the lowest upfront top up cost and the lowest upfront cost.

For SIM free its simply the lowest SIM Free Cost across the Products under that Master Product.

Слайд 6Product Listing 1
Update to show the total number of

deals across all the Products under this Master Product, same for the pricing


This page will likely require the most updates.

Essentially, what I want to do is change this page so it pulls in the Master Product Details and the Deals shown relate to the Products Mapped to that Master Product.

For example, this page would be for the Wileyfox Spark X Dual SIM. But the Deals listed on the page would be for the various variants mapped to this Master Product.

If there is functionalty existing on the page where an “alt” data point exists it should override the default data point, this should remain.

For example, the master_prod_img data point would be overwritten if the master_prod_img_alt data point was populated.

Слайд 7Product Listing 2

The Deal Panels remain as they are since they

are for specific Products that are listed under this particular Master Product.

The only change we need to make here is to update the Product Name linkable to that particular Product Details / Deals Page.

All other Data Points remain as they are now today.

Слайд 8Product Listing 3

These filters need to be added to the top

of the page, change the name of them to:

Product Colour:

Product Memory:

Слайд 9Other notes:

- This will have to be replicated across all the

other Product Types (Mobile Broadband and Tablets and iPads) .


URLs should be along the lines of:

Product Details / Deals Listing pages for singular products can remain as they are for now. Ultimately once I have a 301 redirect strategy in place, I will want these pages hiding and no longer available (there wont be details / deals listing for specific variants of a product).

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