Google Maps Controls презентация

Google Maps Controls Default control sets: Zoom - displays a slider or "+/-" buttons to control the zoom level of the map Pan - displays a pan control for panning the

Слайд 1Lecture 11
Senior-Lecturer: Sarsenova Zh.N.

Слайд 2Google Maps Controls
Default control sets:
Zoom - displays a slider or "+/-"

buttons to control the zoom level of the map
Pan - displays a pan control for panning the map
MapType - lets the user toggle between map types (roadmap and satellite)
Street View - displays a Pegman icon which can be dragged to the map to enable Street View

Слайд 3Google Maps Controls more controls

Scale - displays a map scale element

- displays a small circular icon which allows you to rotate maps
Overview Map - displays a thumbnail overview map reflecting the current map viewport within a wider area

Слайд 4Google maps by default

Слайд 6Disabling The Default Controls
To do so, set the Map's disableDefaultUI property

(within the Map options object) to true:

Слайд 7Turn On All Controls
Some controls appear on the map by default;

while others will not appear unless you set them.
Adding or removing controls from the map is specified in the Map options object.
Set the control to true to make it visible - Set the control to false to hide it.

Слайд 8Turning On All Controls

Слайд 9Configurable control is the MapType control.
Options for modifying a control are

specified in the mapTypeControlOptions field. The mapTypeControlOptions field may contain:
google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.HORIZONTAL_BAR - display one button for each map type
google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DROPDOWN_MENU - select map type via a dropdown menu
google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DEFAULT - displays the "default" behavior (depends on screen size)

Слайд 10Configurable control

Слайд 11 Position a control
You can also position a control, with the ControlPosition


Слайд 12User-editable and draggable shapes
Making a shape editable adds handles to the

shape, which people can use to reposition, reshape, and resize the shape directly on the map. You can also make a shape draggable, so people can move it to a different place on the map.
User-made changes to the object do not persist between sessions. If you want to save the user's edits, you must capture and store the information yourself.

Слайд 13Make a shape editable
Any shape(polylines, polygons, circles, and rectangles) can be

set as user-editable, by setting editable to true in the shape's options.

Слайд 14Example
var bounds = {   north: 44.599,   south: 44.490,   east: -78.443,   west:

-78.649 }; // Define a rectangle and set its editable property to true. var rectangle = new google.maps.Rectangle({   bounds: bounds,   editable: true });

Слайд 15Make a marker draggable
To allow users to drag a marker to

a different location on the map, set draggable to true in the marker options.

Слайд 16Make a marker draggable Example
var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(-25.363882,131.044922); var mapOptions =

{   zoom: 4,   center: myLatlng } var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), mapOptions); // Place a draggable marker on the map var marker = new google.maps.Marker({     position: myLatlng,     map: map,     draggable:true,     title:"Drag me!" });

Слайд 17Home Task
Project 4

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