Finite automata. Closure properties of regular languages. Pumping lemma презентация

Closure properties of regular languages Theorem 1 The class of regular languages is closed under union, intersection, subtraction, complementation, concatenation, Kleene closure and reversal. Proof. The idea is to build

Слайд 1 Finite automata

Irina Prosvirnina

Closure properties of regular languages
Pumping lemma

Слайд 2Closure properties of regular languages
Theorem 1
The class of regular languages is

closed under union, intersection, subtraction, complementation, concatenation, Kleene closure and reversal.
The idea is to build a DFA for the union of two languages by combining the two DFA’s into one such that, at each step, the new DFA would keep track of the computation paths of both DFA’s.

Слайд 3Proof of theorem 1

Слайд 4Proof of theorem 1

Слайд 5Proof of theorem 1

Слайд 6Proof of theorem 1

Слайд 7Proof of theorem 1

Слайд 8Proof of theorem 1

Слайд 9Proof of theorem 1

Слайд 10Proof of theorem 1

Слайд 11Proof of theorem 1

Слайд 12Proof of theorem 1

Слайд 13Proof of theorem 1

Слайд 14Proof of theorem 1
Kleene closure of an NFA.

Слайд 15Proof of theorem 1

Слайд 16Closure properties of regular languages
In the following examples a language is

given and we show how to construct a DFA or a NFA accepting the language.

Слайд 17Closure properties of regular languages

Слайд 18Solution of example 1

Слайд 19Solution of example 1

Слайд 20Solution of example 1

Слайд 21Closure properties of regular languages

Слайд 22Another solution of example 2.

Слайд 23Closure properties of regular languages

Слайд 24Closure properties of regular languages

Слайд 25Solution of example 4

Слайд 26Solution of example 4

Слайд 27Pumping lemmas

Слайд 28Pumping lemmas

Слайд 37Pumping lemmas

Слайд 38Pumping lemmas

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