Design principles презентация


06 Design Basics (a few tools)

Слайд 106
IAT 102 Graphic Design

Слайд 2
Design Basics
(a few tools)

Слайд 3Fundamental Questions
When starting a new design project, always ask yourself:
What is

the objective of the communication (your intended message?
What needs to be said/understood first, second, and then after that? (levels of hierarchy)
How do you want the eye to flow through the page?
Who are you speaking to? (your target audience)
What tone of voice is appropriate to your message and audience?

Слайд 4
Balance – asymmetrical & symmetrical
Consistency / Repetition

Elements of good

design will help you achieve your communication goals:

Слайд 5
Lead your viewer through information in the order you think is

most important by establishing a visual

Слайд 6What is the most important information?
What should you see FIRST?



Слайд 7Scale: relative size
Contrast: colour, value, texture…..
Example: A designer might design a

full-page magazine ad using a single small image in the middle of the page with lots of white space.
The contrast between the scale of the page and the scale of the content (image) draws attention to the image (it has greater Mass or visual weight). This can create a specific mood (depending on other elements) such as conservative, elegant, lonely, or open.

Hierarchy: look first, second, third….

Слайд 8Value: light to dark area
Color: colour harmonies (contrasting colours are across

from each other on the colour wheel)
Example: A designer might design a full-page magazine ad using a single dominant colour and then highlight an area through use of a different colour based on a specific colour palette.
Colour can also be used to lead the eye through the work.


Слайд 9contrast

Слайд 10Where do you look first, second third?
Why? What leads you

through information? What creates balance?


Слайд 11Where do you look first, second third?
Why? What leads you

through information? What creates balance?


Слайд 12Contrast of face against dark background.
Direct gaze draws us in immediately.

Full page “R” provides interesting figure/ground.


Слайд 13contrast

Слайд 14contrast

Слайд 15contrast

Слайд 16Balance
Can be achieved using:

Placement: symmetrical, asymmetrical, or radial (focal

Position (of an element in relation to other elements)
Texture, or
Eye Direction

Слайд 17Balance: Informal / asymmetry / visual weight

Слайд 18Balance:
Informal Balance / Symmetrical Balance

Слайд 19balance

Слайд 20balance

Слайд 21balance

Слайд 22balance

Слайд 23balance

Слайд 24balance

Слайд 25balance

Слайд 26balance

Слайд 27balance

Слайд 28balance

Слайд 29balance

Слайд 30balance

Слайд 31balance

Слайд 32White space
Don’t fear white space.

Avoid the temptation to

fill up the page.

Use white space to draw attention to elements.

Слайд 33Emphasis through Isolation:
white space

Слайд 34
Allow elements to command attention
by giving them space on the


white space

Слайд 35white space

Слайд 36white space

Слайд 37Repetition
When design elements are repeated, it creates a sense of harmony,

consistency, agreement, importance, playfulness, and humor.

The design element can be a:

font style
graphic (an image or illustration)
the list is endless

Слайд 38repetition

Слайд 39repetition

Слайд 40At least since the RenaissanceAt least since the Renaissance, many artistsAt

least since the Renaissance, many artists and architectsAt least since the Renaissance, many artists and architects have proportioned their works to approximate the golden ratio—especially in the form of the golden rectangleAt least since the Renaissance, many artists and architects have proportioned their works to approximate the golden ratio—especially in the form of the golden rectangle, in which the ratio of the longer side to the shorter is the golden ratio—believing this proportion to be aesthetically pleasing. (Wikipedia)

hint: multiple base number by 1.6 (1 to 1.6)

golden section

Or 1.6180339887

Слайд 41golden section
The Golden Section
occurs in numerous examples from nature giving it

credence as a design principle founded in natural or “spiritual” roots.

Слайд 42Rule of thirds – about placement rather then proportion
Rule of thirds

Слайд 43Rule of thirds

Слайд 44Visual Center and Balance

Placing important elements or the focal point of

the design within the visual center of a piece is another design trick. The visual center is slightly to the right of and above the actual center of a page.

Слайд 45Proximity
The concept of proximity says that related items should be grouped

together. Likewise, items that are not related should not be close to each other. The process of grouping related information creates visual cues, which accomplishes Jakob's principle of facilitating scanning. An example of proximity is the relationship between subheading for my paragraphs (such as Proximity above), and the Paragraphs below them. Williams also suggests never having the same amount of white space between elements that aren't a part of a list

Слайд 46proximity

Слайд 47proximity

Слайд 48Alignment
The concept of alignment says that everything on a page should

be visually connected to something else on the page. Nothing should be placed arbitrarily. When elements are aligned they are connected to each other, even if they are separated on the page. You may have noticed that the alignment of the subheading "Alignment" was centered. As it is said, "Good design is transparent." The lack of alignment between the subhead and the related paragraph made your eye have to travel across the page, and it was probably enough for you to notice

Слайд 51examples

Слайд 52summary:
Hierarchy is achieved by:
Contrast (value, colour, tone)

Visual Hierarchy
Dominant, Sub-dominant, subordinate


Weight (Informal Balance)
Approximate Symmetry (Formal Balance)

White Space
Figure / ground

Through Repetition to create a perceived similarity to Elements in a composition

Create grouping

One page
Across pages

Слайд 53Clicker: Quiz Review
What colour harmony is this?


Слайд 54Clicker: Quiz Review
What colour harmony is this?


Слайд 55Clicker: Quiz Review
How is an italic letter defined?

Slanted letter

for emphasis
Hand written
Based on cursive handwriting
The roman form

Слайд 56Clicker: Quiz Review
How is an italic letter defined?

Slanted letter

for emphasis
Hand written
Based on cursive handwriting
The roman form

Слайд 57Clicker: Quiz Review
Identify the type crime

Images are not aligned

should be right aligned
Too much Leading
Headquarters is bolded
Accountability is squished

Слайд 58Clicker: Quiz Review
Identify the type crime

Images are not aligned

should be right aligned
Too much Leading
Headquarters is bolded
Accountability is squished

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