Washington. The capital of USA. District of Columbia презентация

The city was founded in 1791 and named in the name of George Washington, the first US president. The city is located on the north bank of the Potomac River and

Слайд 1Washington.

The capital of USA.
District of Columbia.

Слайд 2The city was founded in 1791 and named in the name

of George Washington, the first US president. The city is located on the north bank of the Potomac River and is bordered by Virginia state on the southwest and the State of Maryland from all other sides.

Слайд 3
Washington is not a very big city, about 600 thousand people

live there. There are a lot of parks, gardens, museums. There is no industry, skyscrapers in the city.

Слайд 4The White House.
The main attraction of Washington is the White House.

The White House is the official residence of American President. The building was designed in 1772 by James Hoban, American government spent 8 years and 2.5 millions dollars to build it. In 1780 the second US president became the first host of the residence. At the beginning of its history the White House was called the Presidents’ House, the Presidents' palace and the Presidents' Castle. And only in 1901 it got his famous name-the White House.

Слайд 5
Now the white House has 6 floors, 132 rooms, 35 bath-rooms,

412 doors, 147 windows, 28 fire-places, 8 stairs, 3 lifts, a tennis court, a swimming –pool, a cinema.

Слайд 6White house plan.

Слайд 7First floor.

Слайд 8Second floor.

Слайд 9Third floor.

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Another famous building of Washington is the Capitol. The Capitol is

the place where the Us Congress meets and makes laws. The building began in 1793 and finished in 1830.

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The Washington Monument is the tallest stone structure in the USA.

It was opened to the public in 1888. It is 555 feet tall, is called “Pencil” because of its shape. It is three blocks south of the White House. There is an elevator, which will carry you to 500-foot level observation windows.

Слайд 12Smithsonian National Zoological Park.
The zoo contains more than 400 species of

animals, the most popular of which are the pandas, bears, tigers, lions, giraffes and monkeys. In addition, there are also some birds, fishes, reptiles, amphibians.

Слайд 13
The presentation was prepared by Plusnina Diana BU 15

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