Tsaritsyno презентация

The most famous unfinished Moscow. The palace complex, whose construction started by Cerine II was completed only at the beginning of the 21st century.


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The most famous unfinished Moscow. The palace complex, whose construction started

by Cerine II was completed only at the beginning of the 21st century.

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The palace complex was built for many years. The first palace

built by architect Vasily Bazhenov, did not like the Empress, so was demolished. In its place, the architect Matvei Kazakov built a new building. It has survived to the present day.

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Today is a big park, where people come for a walk

not only the residents of the surrounding districts of Moscow. At the entrance to the museum-reserve, visitors are welcomed musical fountain, which can be approached by two graceful bridges.

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At the entrance to the palaces appear stylized castle gates and

towers. In the Opera House, which was built as a venue for receptions and balls, now hosts concerts of classical music, the various official events.

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There are several permanent exhibitions on the history of the Tsarina

and the reign of Catherine II.

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Bread House ("Kitchen Building") - one of the most massive structures

Tsarina. Two-storey building on a high base has a square shape with rounded corners.

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And finally, that you have only the best impressions about the

Tsarina - Panorama 360 ° c overlooking the Grand Palace. http://www.mochaloff.ru/tsaritsino/pano.php

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