Sydney is a beautiful city презентация

Слайд 1Sydney is a beautiful city …..

Слайд 2… the east of Australia

Слайд 3There are old and new buildings….

Слайд 4…and very famous buildings, too.

Слайд 5There are fantastic beaches….

Слайд 6…and the food is delicious

Слайд 7There are cheap ($ 50) hotels
in King’s Cross

Слайд 8In the centre there are international hotels. ($150) They are expensive.

Слайд 9Sydney has the famous
Opera House.

Слайд 10The best shops are in Pitt Street.

Слайд 11Go to the harbour.

Слайд 12There is the wonderful
harbour bridge.

Слайд 13Sydney has the famous Bondi Beach.

Слайд 14People go swimming, windsurfing
and sailing.

Слайд 15The weather in Sydney is fantastic.
It’s warm and sunny.

Слайд 16For night life there are clubs and bars
in Oxford Street.

Слайд 17There are many restaurants in Sydney

Слайд 18Australians eat a lot of seafood.
It’s very fresh.

Слайд 19The best way to see Sydney is by ferry.

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