State Symbols California презентация

Слайд 1

State Symbols California

Слайд 2State Flag
California’s state flag is called the Bear Flag.

It has a

picture of a grizzly bear on it.

The grizzly bear represents strength.

Слайд 3State Capital
California’s state capital is Sacramento.

Sacramento is located east of San


Слайд 4Governor of California
The Governor of California is Arnold Schwarzenegger.

He is a

Republican and is in his second term.

Слайд 5Senators of California
California’s United States Senators are Diane Feinstein and Barbara


Both women are Democrats.

Слайд 6State Nickname
California’s nickname is the “Golden State.”

It is called the Golden

State because of the Gold Rush and fields of golden poppies.

Слайд 7State Motto
California’s state motto is “Eureka!”

Eureka is a Greek word and

it means “I have found it!”

Слайд 8State Animal
California’s state animal is the grizzly bear.

There are no more

wild grizzly bears in California.

Слайд 9State Flower
California’s state flower is the golden poppy.

Golden poppies grow in

fields and along highways.

Poppies have four petals.

Слайд 10State Tree
California’s state tree is the redwood.

Redwood trees grow along the

northern coast of California.

They are the tallest trees in the world.

Слайд 11State Bird
California’s bird is the Valley Quail.

Valley Quails build their nests

on the ground.

Слайд 12State Quarter
The California Quarter shows John Muir, a condor, and Half

Dome in Yosemite National Park.

Слайд 13State Song

Слайд 14THE END

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