Southwestern United States презентация

Слайд 1Southwestern United States

Слайд 2The Southwest is made up of four large states including Arizona,New

Mexico, Texas and Oklahoma. One state, Texas, is bigger than the entire Northwest region. The Southwest is an arid region full of sagebrush, cactus, and dry dusty land. Despite this harsh environment, Native Americans has lived here for thousands years …..

Слайд 3Geography
Deserts make up a large part of the

Southwest. Deserts are hot and dry. In many places the sand dunes stretch for miles and miles. Often months will pass without any rain at all. Many plants have evolved to survive in this harsh climate and spring in the desert is a colorful time. Even the cactus bloom in the spring.

Слайд 4 One of the most awesome geographic features found anywhere

in the world is located in the Southwest –
The Grand Canyon.  

Слайд 5 A canyon is a deep cut in the ground

and the Grand Canyon is almost a mile deep! It was carved through the desert by the Colorado River over millions of years. Now the Colorado River flows along the canyon’s floor and many people visit the Grand Canyon.  They enjoy rafting on the river and hiking the trails along the canyon.

Слайд 7Culture
Many people from Mexico live in the Southwest. They

moved to the region when it was still part of Mexico and continued to immigrate to the region when it became part of the United States. Originally, many came to look for gold. Others wanted to find land and jobs. The Mexicans brought their culture with them including their style of art, architecture, music and clothes.  These things are still an important part of the Southwestern culture today.

Слайд 8 In addition to its deserts and ranches the Southwest is

home to some big cities too!  These include Phoenix, the capital of Arizona, Dallas, Oklahoma City, and Albuquerque, NM. The reason many people move to these cities is for the sunny weather and warm climate.

Слайд 9 Thanks for your attention!

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