National Park "Synevir" презентация

Establishment of National Park "Synevir" is associated with a unique mountain lake, to maintain which in 1974 was organized by the landscape reserve of national importance "Synevir lake". After three years

Слайд 1National Park "Synevir"
Підготувала учениця 11-б класу Мукачівської ЗОШ№13 Клочанко Вікторія

Слайд 2Establishment of National Park "Synevir" is associated with a unique mountain

lake, to maintain which in 1974 was organized by the landscape reserve of national importance "Synevir lake". After three years of Ukrainian scientists were reasonably landscape creation, and subsequently - National Park, which was created January 5, 1989.

Слайд 3 National Park lies within the watershed-Verkhovyna Carpathians region (Gorgan).

Natural conditions in the park are typical Gorgan - one of the most majestic mountains, geological sediments which cover a range of time from the Upper Cretaceous to the Oligocene.

Слайд 4 The park occupies the upper part of the watershed district. Tereblya

with its many tributaries, lakes Synevyr (4.2 hectares) and Ozirtse, artificial reservoirs (klauzamy). In the valley. Tereblya channel is 25-30 m wide, average depth of 0.7-1.5 m and flow rate of about 18 km / h. Tereblya largest tributaries - rivers Sloboda, Rostock, Ozeryanka, Hersovets, crackers, Kvasovets, Black River and others. In the park are marshes with a spherical surface - Gluhania (17.0 hectares) and Zamshatka (2.8 hectares)

Слайд 5 Flora Park has 890 species of vascular plants, 24 species

of bryophytes, 460 species of algae, 151 species of lichens. It grows 154 species of true fungi. The park is protected 45 species of rare plants listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. Among them - the mountain arnica, club mosses year, chill korotkolystyy, sword-grass marsh, Baranec common, yew, pine European, satin reviving, cranberries and other small-leaved. The Green Book of Ukraine includes 9 rare plant communities, mostly open and sparse-forest and spruce oligotrophic swamps, sycamore and sirovilhovyh forests, and mountain-sphagnum crooked.

Слайд 7Wildlife National Park "Synevir" and presented various species of fauna typical

Ukrainian Carpathians. The fauna of the park noted 170 species of vertebrates: 1 cyclostomes species, 19 fish species, 12 - amphibians, 7 - reptiles, 89 - and 42 birds - mammals, and 72 species of arachnids behrebetnyh, 258 species of insects, 31 species centipedes.

Слайд 8 Of the mammals you can meet deer, bear brown, deer,

wild boar, wolf, fox and other species, the most rare were shrew Alpine, kutora small, weasel, badger, wild cat, lynx. Rare species of birds are grouse, eagle, golden eagle, black stork, zavyrushka Alpine, owl, zmiyeyid reptiles - adder and Carpathian endemy: spotted salamander, newts Carpathian and Alpine.

Слайд 14Rare species of birds are grouse, eagle, golden eagle, black stork,

zavyrushka Alpine, owl, zmiyeyid reptiles - adder and Carpathian endemy: spotted salamander, newts Carpathian and Alpine. Total of Fauna Park in the Red Book of Ukraine includes 41 species, and the European Red List - 9 species including wolf, brown bear, chernivets odd, red wood ant etc.

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