Italian Journey презентация


About Rome “You fall in love with Rome very slowly and gradually, and then for a lifetime”. “I saw [in Rome] not my own native land, but the

Слайд 1“Italian Journey”

Слайд 2About Rome

“You fall in love with Rome very slowly and

gradually, and then for a lifetime”.

“I saw [in Rome] not my own native land, but the native land of my soul”.

N. Gogol

Слайд 3About Florence

“…when the sun comes out, it is nothing but heaven.

I cannot imagine anything better than an impression of this sky, air and light”.

“…city of dream”.

F. Dostoevsky

Слайд 4About Venice

“…the greatest masterpiece our species produced”.

“…my version of Paradise”.

J. Brodsky

Слайд 5Some basic facts…
Area: 301,338 km2

Inhabitans: 61 milion

Density: 201.3/km2

Italy shares borders with six

Can you list them?


Слайд 7Two countries in the country

Слайд 8San Marino

Слайд 10
Its size is just over 61 km2.

It has a population of of


It is one of the wealthiest countries in the world.

It has one of the lowest unemployment rates in Europe.

It is the only country with more vehicles than people.

Слайд 11Vatican City

Слайд 12St. Peter’s Basilica on St. Peter’s Square

Слайд 13
It is the smallest state in the world.
Area: 0.44 km2 
Population: 842


Absolute monarchy
It features some of the world’s most famous paintings.
Do you know any?

Слайд 14Sistine Chapel

Слайд 15“The Last Judgement”

Слайд 16“Creation of Adam”

Слайд 17Beautiful, right?
But it is not over…
Yes, because Italy counts 51 UNESCO World Heritage Sites

within its borders, the most of any country on the World Heritage List.
It represents around 5% of the whole list.

Слайд 18If you are in Italy you could spend months picking them

off one by one!

Слайд 19
But don’t worry, we’ll have the chance to see some of

them during our journey!

Let’s start it!

Слайд 20

The North

Слайд 21Milan (Lombardia)

Слайд 22

Milan is the main industrial and financial centre of Italy.
It has

the largest economy among European non-capital cities (in terms of GDP).

Слайд 23
Milan is an Alpha leading global city with streghts in…

Слайд 24…the arts

Слайд 25…design

Слайд 26…fashion

Слайд 27
…and commerce, education, entertainment, finance, healthcare, media, research and tourism.


Слайд 28…it’s foggy most of the time!!!

Слайд 29Verona (Veneto)

Слайд 30

It is one of the main tourist destinations in northern Italy.


you guess why?

Слайд 31First of all thank’s to Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”.

Слайд 32
Actually, it is unknown if Shakespeare ever visited Verona or Italy

at all, but his plays have lured many visitors to Verona and surrounding cities many times over. 

Слайд 33

Secondly, Verona hosts some shows, and operas. If you are there

in summer time don’t miss the lyrical season in the Arena, the ancient amphiteatre built by the Romans.

Слайд 34It’s an amazing experience!

Слайд 35
Thirdly, the city has been awarded World Heritage Site status by UNESCO because of

its urban structure and architecture.

Слайд 36
Yes, yes, it’s very beautiful…

Anyway, we should’t forget that Verona has

a little problem…

Слайд 37…the fog!

Слайд 38Venice (Veneto)

Слайд 39Venice is situated across a group of 117 small islands that are

separated by canals and linked by bridges.

Слайд 40It is a unique city in the world.
Wait a minute…
This is

not Venice!
This is St. Petersbourg!

Слайд 41Yes, yes, they are both very beautiful…
St. Petersbourg

Слайд 42But we INVENTED it first!

Слайд 43and we have the GONDOLAS!

Слайд 44and the SUN!

Слайд 45and this mess!

Слайд 46
A little of history…

The Republic of Venice was a major financial and

maritime power during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

This was before Napoleon came to disturb it…

In 1815 Venice was annexed by the Austrian Empire.

Слайд 47Nowadays, the city is the setting of the 2-weeks-lasting homonymous carnival.

Слайд 48If you are in Venice in February, you cannot absolutely miss


Слайд 49Venice is listed as a World Heritage Site…

Слайд 51

Despite its exceptional beauty, Venice has to face two huge problems:

Слайд 52…regular floodings!

Слайд 53…and the pigeons!

Слайд 54That’s why some restaurants started to catch them and cook them.

serve them to some Russian tourists…

Слайд 55 The Centre

Слайд 56Florence (Tuscany)

Слайд 57Florence is considered the birthplace of the Renaissance and has been

called "the Athens of the Middle Ages”.

Слайд 58
The historic centre of Florence attracts 13 million tourists every year.

was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1982. 

Слайд 59Due to its artistic and architectural heritage, Florence has been ranked

by  «Forbes» as one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

Слайд 60


Modern Italian language was modelled on the basis of Tuscan dialect.

Слайд 61
If you are in Florence don’t forget to visit the Uffizi.

You’ll have the chance to see this:

Слайд 62“Venus” by Botticelli

Слайд 63

Florence has only a problem…

Слайд 64…too many naked people!!!

Слайд 65Rome (Lazio)

Слайд 66

With 2,870,336 residents Rome is the country's largest and most populated city.

Слайд 67Rome’s history spans more than 2,500 years.

Слайд 68Roma is also called:
“The Eternal City” and
The “Caput Mundi”

Слайд 69
Rome ranked in 2014 as the 14th-most-visited city in the world,

3rd most visited in the European Union, and the most popular tourist attraction in Italy.

Слайд 70Its historic centre is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

Слайд 72

Yes, yes, amazing…

Unluckily, Rome has a very huge problem…

Слайд 73…traffic!

Слайд 74The South

Слайд 75Naples (Campania)

Слайд 76
 Naples is one of the largest cities on the Mediterranean Sea.

Слайд 77
The port of Naples is one of the most important in Europe, and

has the world's second-highest level of passenger flow, after the port of Hong Kong.

Слайд 78
Naples' historic city centre is the largest in Europe and encloses

27 centuries of history.
It is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

Слайд 79Do you know the name of this mount?

Слайд 80And the name of this place?

Слайд 82Humanity has a huge debt with Naples…

Слайд 83…and yes, we invented also this:

Слайд 84
Although people of Naples are very smart and invented everything the

city has just a tiny little problem…

Слайд 85…trash!

Слайд 87Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea.

Слайд 88Sicily has a unique history…

Слайд 89
…it was inhabited by:
the Greeks
the Romans
the Vandals
the Ostrogoths
the Arabs

the Normans
the Germans
the Spanish
before becoming part of Italy in 1860.

Слайд 90There are seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Sicily

Слайд 91Among them the mount Etna

Слайд 92It is one of the most active volcanoes in the world

and is in an almost constant state of activity 

Слайд 93
With its history, art and beaches Sicily is an amazing place!


if you are planning a trip there, watch up, you could have a seriouuuus problem with this:

Слайд 94too much tasty food!

Слайд 95and end up like this!

Слайд 96
We travelled from North to South.

As you see, you can find

beauty everywhere.
But with some problems here and there.

Now you need to know that there is a place absolutely perfect under any point of view…

Слайд 97It’s the place where I live!!!

Слайд 98

In Trentino
you can find everything…

Слайд 99Mountains

Слайд 101We have:

Слайд 102 no fog…

Слайд 103no floodings…


Слайд 104no pigeons…

Слайд 105the right amount of naked people…

Слайд 106no traffic…

Слайд 107and we are very clean…

Слайд 108and when we eat too much we take a walk on

the mountains…

…where by chance you can find something like this…

Слайд 110…or this

Слайд 111…or this!

Слайд 112
Visit Italy!
(but Trentino is better!)

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