Hong Kong презентация

Before I begin my presentation, I want to ask a question… Has anybody heard of this city?

Слайд 1香港
By Alex Chan-
AFS exchange student

Hong Kong

Слайд 2Before I begin my presentation, I want to ask a question…

Has anybody heard of this city?

Слайд 3Where is Hong Kong on the map of China?

Слайд 4Map of Hong Kong

Слайд 5Flag of Hong Kong

Слайд 6The “leader” of Hong Kong
He/she is called the “Chief Executive”
Our current

Chief Executive, Carrie Lam, was elected on the 26 March 2017
She won the election this year, and became the first female Chief Executive of Hong Kong.

Слайд 7What is Hong Kong famous for?
Hong Kong is very famous for

its transport network.
You can go everywhere in Hong Kong very easily.
There are a lot of different kinds of transports in
Hong Kong.

Слайд 8What is Hong Kong famous for?
Different types of food can be

found in Hong Kong.
There is also some delicious local food

Слайд 9What is Hong Kong famous for?
The views of Hong Kong are

also very good, especially the night views
Here are some photos:

Слайд 10Where do I live?
Hong Kong are divided into 18 districts, 4

on Hong Kong Island, 5 in Kowloon, and 9 in the New Territories. I am living in one of the districts in the New Territories-Kwai Chung.

Слайд 11My neighborhood
There are three shopping centers near my home. There are

a lot of restaurant near my apartment. There are Japanese restaurants,
western restaurants and some restaurants selling local food.
There is also a big sports ground near my apartment that I can
go downstairs to do sports during my free time.

Слайд 12My family
My family consists of three people: my parents and me.

live in a small apartment.

Слайд 13Brief introduction of Hong Kong’s educational system
We start going to school

at the age of six.
We start from the primary school, we study there for six years.
After that, we go to another school and start our secondary education, we study there for anther six years.
At the end of secondary three(our third year in secondary school), we need to choose what subjects we are going to study in the next three years. We study Chinese, English, Mathematics, Liberal studies(we study about different topics about Hong Kong) and other three subjects that are chosen by ourselves, in the next three years.
Secondary students only go to school for half year, and they will need to attend a public exam, it decides whether you can go to universities or not.

Слайд 14My school in Hong Kong
I have just finished secondary three, that

means I have
already been studying in my secondary school for three years.
My school is located at Shek Lei, it is also in the same
district as my home, it takes around 30 minutes to go
from my home to my school.
My school is located on a small hill.

Слайд 15
That’s the end of my presentation, thank you for


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