History of Earth’s Climate презентация


History of Earth’s Climate Life appeared ~3.8 billion years ago Photosynthesis began 3.5-2.5 billion years ago Produced oxygen and removed carbon dioxide and methane (greenhouse gases) Earth went through periods of

Слайд 1History of Earth’s Climate
Earth formed ~4.6 billion years ago
Originally very hot

energy output only 70% of present
Liquid water present ~4.3 billion years

Слайд 2History of Earth’s Climate
Life appeared ~3.8 billion years ago
Photosynthesis began 3.5-2.5

billion years ago
Produced oxygen and removed carbon dioxide and methane (greenhouse gases)
Earth went through periods of cooling (“Snowball Earth”) and warming
Earth began cycles of glacial and interglacial periods ~3 million years ago

Слайд 3Earth’s Temperature

The temperature of the earth is directly related to the

energy input from the Sun. Some of the Sun’s energy is reflected by clouds. Other is reflected by ice. The remainder is absorbed by the earth.

Слайд 4Earth’s Temperature
If amount of solar energy absorbed by the earth is

equal to the amount radiated back into space, the earth remains at a constant temperature.

Слайд 5Earth’s Temperature
if the amount of solar energy is greater than the

amount radiated, then the earth heats up.

Слайд 6Earth’s Temperature
If the amount of solar energy is less than

the amount radiated, then the earth cools down.

Слайд 7Greenhouse Effect

To a certain degree, the earth acts like a

greenhouse. Energy from the Sun penetrates the glass of a greenhouse and warms the air and objects within the greenhouse. The same glass slows the heat from escaping, resulting in much higher temperatures within the greenhouse than outside it.

Слайд 8Earth’s Atmospheric Gases

Non- Greenhouse
Gases 1%

Слайд 11Recap and importance:
The photochemical reactions produce ATP and NADH at sites

in the stroma.

The Dark Cycle (Calvin Cycle), or more descriptively, the carbon reactions of photosynthesis

~200 billion tons of CO2 are converted to biomass each year

The enzyme ribulose biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, Rubisco, that incorporates CO2 is 40% of the protein in most leaves.

Слайд 12The Calvin cycle proceeds in three stages: carboxylation, reduction, and regeneration


of the CO2 acceptor, ribulose-1, 5-biphosphate, forming two molecules of 3-phosphoglcerate.

Reduction of 3-phosphoglycerate to form glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate which can be used in formation of carbon compounds that are translocated.

Regeneration of the CO2 acceptor ribulose-1, 5-biphosphate from glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate

Слайд 13The affinity of Rubisco for CO2 is sufficiently high to ensure

rapid carboxylation at the low concentration of CO2 found in photosynthesizing cells

The negative change in free energy associated with carboxylation of RuBP is large so the forward reaction is favored.


Rubisco will also take O2 rather than CO2 and oxygenate RuBP – called photorespiration.

The rate of operation of the Calvin Cycle can be enhanced by increases in the concentration of its intermediates. That is the cycle is autocatalytic.

Also, if there are insufficient intermediates available, for example when a plant is transferred from dark to light, then there is a lag, or induction period, before photosynthesis reaches the level that the light can sustain. (There can also be enzyme induction.)

Rubisco is notoriously inefficient as a catalyst for the carboxylation of RuBP and is subject to competitive inhibition by O2, inactivation by loss of carbamylation, and dead-end inhibition by RuBP. These inadequacies make Rubisco rate limiting for photosynthesis and an obvious target for increasing agricultural productivity. Really?

Слайд 14Basics of foliage photosynthesis
Any questions?
Increasing CO2 concentration in the atmosphere can

increase the maximum rate of photosynthesis in the short term

Слайд 15

It is believed that photorespiration in plants has increased over geologic

time due to increasing atmospheric O2 concentration -the product of photosynthetic organisms themselves.

In the presence of higher O2 levels, photosynthesis rates are lower.

The inhibition of photosynthesis by O2 was first noticed by the German plant physiologist, Otto Warburg, in 1920, and called the "Warburg effect".

Слайд 16Decarboxylation of malate (CO2 release) creates a higher concentration of CO2

in bundle sheath cells than found in photosynthetic cells of C3 plants.

The first product of CO2 fixation is malate (C4) in mesophyll cells, not PGA as it is in C3 plants. This is transported to bundle sheath cells

CO2 is released from malate in bundle sheath cells, where it is fixed again by Rubisco and the Calvin cycle proceeds. PEP is recycled back to mesophyll cells.

This enables C4 plants to sustain higher rates of photosynthesis. And, because the concentration of CO2 relative to O2 in bundle sheath cells is higher, photorespiration rates are lower.

C4 Photosynthesis

Слайд 17Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM)
Uses C4 pathways, but segregates CO2 assimilation and

Calvin cycle between day and night

CAM plants open their stomates at night. This conserves H2O. CO2 is assimilated into malic acid and stored in high concentrations in cell vacuoles

During the day, stomates close, and the stored malic acid is gradually recycled to release CO2 to the Calvin cycle

First discovered in succulents of the Crassulacea: e.g.,sedums

Слайд 18 
Efficiency in


C3 vs. C4 vs. CAM

Слайд 20Cool season grass
most trees and shrubs
Warm season grass
Arid adapted dicots
Cerling et

al. 97


Слайд 21εp = δa - δf = εt + (Ci/Ca)(εf-εt)
When Ci ≈

Ca (low rate of photosynthesis, open stomata), then εp ≈ εf. Large fractionation, low plant δ13C values.

When Ci << Ca (high rate of photosynthesis, closed stomata), then εp ≈ εt. Small fractionation, high plant δ13C values.

Слайд 22Ci, δi
Inside leaf
Plant δ13C
(if δa = -8‰)
εp = εt =


εp = εf = +27‰





Fraction C leaked (φ3/φ1 ∝ Ci/Ca)




εp = δa - δf = εt + (Ci/Ca)(εf-εt)

Слайд 23Ci/Ca
In C4, L is ~ 0.3, so εp is insensitive to

Ci/Ca, typically with values less than those for εta.

εp = εta+[εPEP-7.9+L(εf-εtw)-εta](Ci/Ca)

Under arid conditions, succulent CAM plants use PEP to fix CO2 to malate at night and then use RUBISCO for final C fixation during the daytime. The L value for this is typically higher than 0.38. Under more humid conditions, they will directly fix CO2 during the day using RUBISCO. As a consequence, they have higher, and more variable, εp values.

εp = 4.4+[-10.1+L(26.3)](Ci/Ca)

Слайд 24Δ13C fraction-whole plant

Слайд 25δ13C varies with environment within C3 plants
C3 plants

Слайд 26Quantum
(moles C fixed per
photons absorbed)
Temperature (°C)
C4 plants
C3 plants
Crossover Temperature
Today (360 ppm)

Слайд 27What happens when pCO2 changes?
Ehleringer et al. 1997 Oecologia
C3 decreases in

efficiency because of Photorespiration

Слайд 28Quantum
(moles C fixed per
photon absorbed)
Temperature (°C)
C4 plants
C3 plants
Crossover Temperature
Today (360 ppm)

Слайд 29C3 versus C4 plants
C3 plants are favoured in environments where water

is plentiful, temperature and light levels are moderate (temperate climates)

C4 plants are favoured in environments where water is limiting and light and temperatures are high (tropical / subtropical habitats)

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Слайд 319/12/07
Three modes of photosynthesis
C3 pathway, aka Calvin cycle, most common.

bisphosphate (RuBP, Rubisco) most abundant protein on Earth; enzyme captures CO2 but also has high affinity for O2.
Phosphoglyceric acid (PGA) is 3-C sugar formed during CO2 uptake.
Photorespiration makes photosynthesis less efficient but also protects cells from excess light energy.
At high CO2:O2 ratios, Rubisco is more efficient, thus C3 plants respond more to elevated CO2 than do C4 plants
Most trees, shrubs, cool-season grasses

Слайд 329/12/07
Calvin Cycle

Слайд 339/12/07
depends on light
“wastes” CO2
protects against light damage

favored by high O2, low CO2 and warm temperatures

Слайд 349/12/07
Three modes of photosynthesis
C4 pathway, aka Hatch-Slack, has additional enzyme, PEP

carboxylase, with much higher affinity for CO2.
Oxaloacetate (OAA) is 4-C sugar formed during CO2 uptake.
Rubisco concentrated in bundle sheath cells, where OAA delivers CO2.
Photorespiration limited because CO2:O2 is much higher inside bundle sheath cells than in C3’s.
Less Rubisco needed for psn means higher N-use efficiency.

Слайд 359/12/07

Слайд 369/12/07
Three modes of photosynthesis
C4 pathway
Higher T optimum and light saturation.

High water use efficiency (C gained per H2O lost) because stomates can be partly closed.
Lower response to elevated CO2
Cost of C4: additional ATP is needed for PEP cycle, which may limit C4 growth at low light levels
2000 species in 18 families; half of all grass (Poaceae) species (warm-season grasses)

Слайд 39• There is a clear correlation between the amount of anthropogenic

CO2 released to the atmosphere and the increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration during last decades.
• Atmospheric oxygen is declining proportionately to CO2 increase and fossil fuel combustion.
• For the last half century, the CO2 airborne fraction (AF) parameter remained consistent and averaged at 0.55 (the AF parameter is the ratio of the increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration to fossil fuel-derived CO2 emissions). AF has been introduced to assess short- and long-term changes in the atmospheric carbon content; in particular, AF of 0.55 indicates that the oceans and terrestrial ecosystems have cumulatively removed about 45 % of anthropogenic CO2 from the atmosphere over the last half century [6].
• The isotopic signature of fossil fuels (e.g., the lack of 14C and the depleted level of 13C carbon isotopes) is detected in atmospheric CO2.
• There exists an interhemispheric gradient in the atmospheric CO2 concentrations in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. In particular, the predominance of fossil-derived CO2 emissions in more industrially developed Northern Hemisphere (compared to the Southern Hemisphere) causes the occurrence of the atmospheric CO2 gradient in the amount of about 0.5 ppm per GtC per year [6].
• There have been dramatic changes in RFCO2 values over the last decades. For example, during 1995–2005, the RFCO2 increased by about 0.28 W/m2 (or about 20 % increase), which represents the largest increase in RFCO2 for any decade since the beginning of the industrial era. RFCO2 in 2005 was estimated at RFCO2=1.66±0.17 W/m2 (corresponding to the atmospheric CO2 concentration of 379±0.65 ppm), which is the largest RF among all major forcing factors (The concept of radiative forcing (RF))
• The data show that the changes in the land use greatly contributed to the RFCO2 value in the amount of about 0.4 W/m2 (since the beginning of the industrial era). This implies that the remaining three quarters of RFCO2 can be attributed to burning fossil fuels, cement manufacturing, and other industrial CO2 emitters [6].

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