Heart of the South Alabama презентация

Слайд 1«Heart of the South»

Слайд 2

Слайд 3Some figures and dates connected to Alabama:
135 thousand sq.km.
4 millions 447

thousand of population.
In 1540 Spaniard Ernando De Soto surveyed these grounds.
In 1702 the first constant European settlement in area of modern Mobile
In 1763 France conceded this region to the Great Britain.
In 1813 to the USA.
14-th of December,1814 was a part the USA .
1915 -Invasion of insects.
1950-1960 the state completely passed on a way of industrialization.
74%-English-speaking white, 25% - Afro- Americans, 1% -natives of the countries of Asia.

Слайд 4The capital of Alabama is Montgomery.
The largest cities of Alabama:


Слайд 5The city of Birmingham

Слайд 7The river Alabama The river «Alabama» gave the name to this state.

The river Alabama was named by the native Indians living on its coast.

Слайд 8“Yellowhammer State “
The State Alabama is called “Yellowhammer State “ for

fun because in days of Civil war soldiers of Alabama’s army of Confederation sewed on the uniform yellow patchs. They are like wings of the bird Yellowhammer who is one of the state symbols.

Слайд 9Space camp

Слайд 10State Park De Soto
The park was founded in 1930 and

carries a name of Spanish researcher Fernando De Soto who in the16th century travelled on these grounds searching gold.

Слайд 11Montgomery .The Capitol of state
There was a solemn inauguration of the

first and last President of Confederation of the States of America, Jefferson Devisa

Слайд 12
Beauty of this state…

Слайд 13Thanks for attention!!!

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